Chapter 168: Preparations

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A week before the exam

3rd person POV

Yamato: Well, what is it that you want Miya-san?

Miya: I did what you asked. The 2nd years will soon be ours to control now and Daigo-senpai doesn't realize it. 

Kenji: It's true that he has influence over the 2nd years since they were 1st years just a year ago. But that's only because the promise of points is the leverage, he needed to control them but of course, these poor souls will do anything for points. Like how people are with money.

Miya: And that's why the promise of a much greater reward was set in by us. 

Kenji: You've gotten a hold of the 2nd years already? 

Miya: Yep, me and Ishigami-kun are already taking control slowly. Plus, I happened to even allow one of the boys to go out with me if they do our dirty work.

Hanako: Ohh? Miya-chan using her looks to manipulate the sheep? That's so you.

Miya: It's quite disgusting honestly. 

Shinryuu: Would you rather seduce Ayanokouji-senpai instead?

Miya: Hell no. Besides he's the one who defied his own father/sensei. Plus, you think I'd be capable of making him fall for me and then what fall into my trap which will likely not happen? 

Hanako: Waaaahhh! I want to see him so bad! It's not fair why do you two get to see him first!? 

She looked at Shinryuu and Hideki as they shrugged. 

Kenji: You really need to calm yourself Hanako. 

Hanako: How am I supposed too!? those two get to meet him but not little ol' me!?

Yamato: You should really calm down or I might just rip your throat out. 

Hanako: eek! sorry Yamato-kun, I got excited again.

Yamato: Whatever. 

Kenji: Anyways, with the island exam on the horizon. I think we should get everything prepared.

???: Children.

The 6 of them noticed someone as Shinji arrives along with Ishigami and Utomiya.

Yamato: Sensei.

Shinji: I'm sure everyone is ready. 

Shinryuu: Of course, we are. We've been waiting for this. Besides the written exam was just too easy for us anyway. It's better if we have a real challenge. 

Ishigami: Enthusiastic as usual.

Shinryuu: What can I say Ishigami-kun. It's not fun if they don't put up a fight. 

Utomiya: So, is this everyone? 

Shinryuu: Yep, but hey what about that Hosen guy? he seems pretty useful. 

Utomiya: Not an option. He's on Daigo-senpai's side and convincing him has officially become impossible. Plus, I never really liked working with that madman anyway. 

Miya: Does Daigo-senpai know about your real intentions? 

Utomiya: Hopefully not but given that I haven't contacted him for a while now means he's already suspicious of me but that doesn't matter now.

Shinji: You all have been pretty busy for a while now. I'm assuming that all of you got what you needed. 

Hanako: That's right.

Hanako was holding a container of isopropyl alcohol that she sneakily stole from the Science lab. 

Hideki: These will be pretty useful. 

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