Chapter 242: New Plans for the Future

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3rd person POV

Haru along with his group were walking on campus. 

Hashimoto: Hey, the next exam is on the horizon. 

Haru: I know.

Tadashi, Haru's most loyal of the group then spoke up. 

Tadashi: Is something wrong, Daigo-sama?

Haru: Nothing's wrong. 

Byakuya: Hey! You have been acting a bit off lately. Care to explain what's going on? 

Haru didn't respond. 

Hashimoto: Leave the guy alone. He's probably tired from whatever business he had when we were in Osaka. 

Haru: I don't get tired, at least not so easily. 

Byakuya: You haven't answered my question. You've been busier with other matters these days rather than the class. What are you up to? 

Haru: That's none of your business, rich boy. 

The frustration is slowly setting in on Togami. 

Byakuya: What about the deal you promised? When do we get our chance to battle Class S? I know the next exam is around the corner, but it would probably just be a written test. Which isn't going to be satisfying at least for me. 

Haru: ... 

Byakuya: (This guy...I swear I've had too much bad luck with these people. First Sakayanagi and now Daigo. You may have kept me in Class A but not letting me battle Ayanokouji once again. I will not let my family name be slandered. It's clear that I've made no progress to be given another chance to battle Ayanokouji. So, if I can't battle him. Then...I'm just simply going to expel you.)




Ayanokouji POV

It's been 3 days since the trip to Osaka.

It is a shame with some of the events that occurred. 

Yuki recently left along with Kito after the news of Class 3-B's loss in the exam. 

I wonder how Sakayanagi will recover from losing probably her best chance of fighting against the 6th generation.

Tatsuya and Miyuki are still recovering from the injury they both received from the hands of Masaki Kenji.

They even asked permission from Shigeru-sensei to not go to school for a bit to recover.

I don't know why they asked such a thing since I think that they already would've recovered in those 3 days, but I suppose they have other reasons. 

Though there is one thing that's on my mind.

Which is if Yagami will actually work with us. 



3 days ago

3rd person POV

After Yagami told them about what Shiba Shinji has been scheming. 

Ayanokouji asked once more. 

Ayanokouji: I ask you this again. Are you willing to join us or not? I'm not asking again but I want you to think about it. I changed my mind, regardless of if you disagree. I won't expel you.

Haru: Hey! are you really serious about that?! Do you realize what could happen if you let him go free like this? 

Ayanokouji: I do, but I'm not going to push him further. He has no way of beating me. I made sure that he wouldn't have any options. So, he can have the choice to either drop out or stay and consider his decisions. There's a reason I told you guys to stay put. It's because I purposefully allowed myself to be alone to prove I that even in a situation where I am alone. Yagami can't beat me. You did remember that on two separate occasions. I had Class S with me during the 2nd island exam and of course your assistance along with Horikita's during the Culture festival. In short, I prove that I can beat him in more ways than one. With or without assistance. 

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