Bonus Chapter #3: Haru's thoughts on Class S

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Haru POV

It's the middle of the night.

Might as well use this since I did buy this at the mall and it seems pretty much perfect knowing that in case, I want to personally brief my potential allies in the real world.

I bought myself a tape recorder.

Honestly, I don't know why I wasted good points on something so pointless.

Though in hindsight, this is something I can use to get something off my chest.

I think it's the right time to do so.















I pressed the record button and started saying what I wanted to say for some time.

"If you're listening to this recording, good. Fuck you. Just kidding. Not really but anyway, I've been in ANHS for 3 years now. Before coming here though, my original objective in being in this school is to defeat and bring back Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, AKA the Masterpiece under the orders of Tsukishiro and of course Kiyotaka's pathetic dad, Atsuomi."

"Of course, despite all of the people I've manipulated since the 1st and 2nd year. Kiyotaka has constantly stayed one step ahead of me. Though it's not just him that's proven to be the biggest piece of work that I've ever dealt with, but his class is also a pain in the fucking ass."

"Now where do I even start with these people? 



Just then, I heard Tadashi from behind the door to my dorm. 

I quickly went to the door and opened it as my right-hand man has shown himself this late in the evening. 

"Sorry to interrupt you but I simply wanted to report our progress." he said.

"No worries, Tadashi. I haven't even slept yet so it's fine." 

"I see."

"Say Tadashi."

"Yes, Daigo-sama?"

"I never got to ask but given how things have changed over the last couple of years in ANHS. Tell me, do you think Class S is still a threat to us?" I asked.

"Why do you have the need to ask such a question?" he asked back.

"I simply needed something to get out of my chest. Just a way to think out loud." I replied.

3rd person POV

Tadashi: I see. So, what is it that you want to get out of your chest?

Haru: An evaluation on Class S. Just our own thoughts and opinions on them.

Tadashi: Why do you need to talk about that?

Haru: Just a way for me to analyze them more because if they end up being my enemies again in the future which would be likely. I want to be more prepared than ever. I want to out-adapt the Masterpiece himself. No, not just the Masterpiece. I want all of his friends, allies, dead at my feet before I finally battle Kiyotaka.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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