Chapter 203: Genius of the Blood Queen (Part 1)

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Shirogane POV

"You look much more nervous than usual Miyuki-san." I heard Kei-san said. 

I couldn't say anything especially knowing who my opponent will be. 

The girl that almost killed Kaguya. 

Chisaka Hanako.

For some reason, I can't get over seeing her with that stab wound and her blood leaking out of it. 

It made me sick to the core. 

The thought of it still makes me want to vomit. 

I really don't know what to do at this point. 

Even if I continue to train with Kiyotaka-san.

Can I even be mentally prepared against someone from the White Room? 

I still can't get over it. 

Everything that happened to Kaguya because of that girl. 


"Hey, are you alright? You seem paler than usual."

"Ohh, sorry Sakuta-san. I just..." 

"*Sigh* I get it. You're still probably hurting at the thought of your girlfriend nearly dying there."

"I couldn't do anything. I was unconscious while that happened. I couldn't protect her."

"Don't worry so much Miyuki-san. Just try to stay focused." Tatsuya-san then spoke. 


"You're not the only one who saw their own loved one put in a dangerous situation. In my case, it's my sister that was in danger. It was the first time I felt distress. She...she has never been taken away from me before. Even I somewhat lost my composure when she got kidnapped by the 6th generation." 

"Well, enough moping around. We still have something to do." Kei-san said. 

"Listen, I don't want to be the pessimist here but how do we stand a chance against someone from the White Room? Even you admit that you're no match for him Kei." Sakuta-san said.

"True but that doesn't mean they don't have a weakness. Kiyotaka-san said there is a weakness, we just need to learn what it is." Kei-san responded. 

"Is there though?" I asked with a sorrowful tone.

"Ohh come on Miyuki-san! Don't worry so much. This is your chance to get revenge, but you have to calm the fuck down, okay?"

Shinomiya Kei POV

Seriously what am I supposed to do with you?


3rd person POV

Ayanokouji: You three should keep an eye on Miyuki.

Tatsuya: I already planned to do so. I did notice his mental state isn't the best right now. 

Sakuta: Do you think he's even going to be alright? 

Ayanokouji: Who knows. Miyuki can be sensitive despite trying to act strong. I know when he would let his own emotions get the better of him. Make sure you don't have him lose his cool in that exam or the worse could happen. 

Kei: You're really taking this leader thing seriously. You could've done this since the first day of school. 

Ayanokouji: I chose not to. It would've been pointless but, in a scenario where our opponents are from that one place that I'm familiar with. I simply had no other options. 

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