Chapter 238: The Shadows creep

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5:00 AM

Ayanokouji POV

Before the exam begins in 3 and a half hours. 

Haru told me where a certain girl's hotel room is. 

I managed to find the room that he told me and knocked on the door. 

There was no response.

I assumed that she's still probably sleeping. 

I knocked for the second time. 

No response once again.

I decided that the third time should at least get her attention. 

As I was about to knock for the 3rd time. 

The door finally opened. 

"Huh!? Ayanokouji-kun?"


It has been a while since I interacted with Horikita.

"I know it's been a while but what do you want?" she asked.

"I just want to talk." I replied.

"No." I knew she was going to say that.

As she was about to slam the door on me.

I stopped the door from closing with my foot. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" she said in an annoyed tone. 

"Who's your roommate in there?" I asked. 

I simply looked inside and surprisingly. 

It was Kushida. 

I can't imagine what these two have been doing alone together. 

I assumed there would've been some kind of scheme from Kushida to expel her especially given how vulnerable she is currently. 

I'll have to keep an eye on Kushida again in case she makes her move. 

I could simply expel her if she tries anything when the time comes. 

I know she's not going to give up on expelling me. 

"If you're not going to leave, I'll make-" 

"I'm well aware that you're currently depressed as of late."


"Come with me. Let's keep this private." I said.

"*Sigh* Fine. Better make this quick." 




3rd person POV

In a different location in the hotel.

Ayanokouji already told her that he and Haru aren't going to participate in the exam. 

Horikita: What!?

Ayanokouji: You heard what I said right? 

Horikita: To this day, I will never understand you. Why are you always trying to be mysterious with your motives? 

Ayanokouji: Shouldn't it be obvious to you? 

Horikita: Don't tell me. Is Daigo-kun of all people convincing me to lead the class again just because he has some secret errand to do? 

Ayanokouji: In a way, that is the case. 

Horikita: And likely he's the one that managed to convince you to convince me. Am I wrong? 

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