Chapter 271: The Turnaround (3rd day aftermath)

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3rd person POV

Shiro couldn't believe what he saw. 

Four unconscious students.

Shiro (Masakatsu): Why? 

Yamato: You must be confused. I suppose since you have made it. You're worthy of an explanation. But there's not much to explain to be honest. We simply defeated them. Through our cunning little tricks and mostly the focus of hitting an opponent's pressure points. 

Shiro: Tch!

Yamato: No need to agitate yourself with that face of yours. What happened was simple. Maybe you haven't noticed the needle that was sticking out of the special threats. 

Shiro: What?

Shiro looked closely at Suzaku and Tatsuya.

They both had needles on their necks. 

Shiro: You drugged them!? That's not possible. How did you-

Just then.

He had a realization. 

It was a long shot for him to make this assumption but...

He had an image of Shiba Shinji giving an evil yet calm smile. 

Shiro: (With all the stuff that Yuuichi said before. It wouldn't be impossible for the 6th generation to have these sorts of tricks thanks to Shinji.)

Yamato: I'm assuming you figured it out.

Shiro: You're...going to pay for this. 

Miya: Ohh cry me a river. You already lost. But that's just the beginning riiiigght? 

Kenji: Should be obvious that no matter how you fight. The result is inevitable. It's fitting that you're kneeling down like that. It seems you understand what you're really up against. 

Shiro couldn't say much as things got worse. 

Kaguya was trying to stand up.

She's slowly regaining consciousness as her eyes opened to see Shiro kneeling. 

Kaguya: S...Shiro-kun?

Shinryuu saw her trying to stand but without any mercy. 

Shinryuu kicked Kaguya with incredible force towards the wall. 

Shiro: Kaguya-san!

Shinryuu: I've always wanted to kick a Shinomiya like that. 

Kenji: What's wrong, Shiro-dono? Don't you want to fight back? 

Shiro: ...


That is all that Shiro has to say. 

Or rather has nothing to say at all. 

He was distraught. 

Miya: I think he's broken.

Yamato: Leave him be. After all, he's seen what happened now. There's not much he can do. Let's go to the base. 

The kouhais begin to move leaving behind Shiro and the unconscious students. 




As they walked. 

There are students watching that are either glaring at them or afraid of them.

Majority of them are afraid. 

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