Chapter 201: The Greatest Puppet Show (Part 1)

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Before the exam proper. 

Ayanokouji POV



I looked behind me to see a familiar person in front behind me. 


He looked at me with a serious look.

"If you have something to say. Do so quickly. We'll be late." I said to him.

Keisei sighed and then spoke. 

"I should be mad that you abandoned us but..." 

He stopped himself. 

Hesitation perhaps?


He could just be preparing to let whatever he has in the back of his mind for some time. 

"I know you still do care about us. I know why you had to cut ties with us quietly, but I also know that it's for our own safety right? You don't want us to be Daigo's main targets. So, I shouldn't be really mad if that was your intention." 

"Is that really my intention?" 

"Huh? what do you mean, Kiyotaka?"

"You're right though. It is my intention but there is something else to that."

"What is it?"

"I wanted to see if you guys can grow without me."


"That's right. I can't protect you guys from Haru for the rest of the school year. I wanted to see if you can thrive and think on your own. That you can overcome your own weaknesses without my help. You are from a different class after all, and I don't want my enemy to be weak." 


I saw the sorrowful look on Keisei's face. 

"I understand...but even if you think of me as an enemy now. I understand. Guess in some ways. I was weak."

"I thought this class wouldn't succeed but here we are. Class A. I felt like I should be happy but...there's a lot of things that I still need to do. Kiyotaka, if there's still a way for us to be friends even in these circumstances. I would find it for our friend's sakes." 

"Is that all?" I inquired because I know that this isn't over. 

"Your class lost a special exam for the first time, right?"


"Then that means there is a chance that we can beat you after all. You said it right Kiyotaka? You left us because you want to see us grow on our own? Then we're going to beat Class S." 

I admire Keisei's newfound determination. 

Though given the opponents present.

You should be worried about the rest. 

"Is that a challenge?" 

"That's right. I'm battling you as myself. Don't worry, I'm not working with Daigo. I never liked the guy to begin with but if there is one shining light that I have in this last school year. Is that I get to battle you Kiyotaka." 

"I see. I accept your challenge then." 

Keisei and I both shook hands. 




We arrived at our designated room. 

No phones whatsoever. 

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