Chapter 231: Hachiman's return

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3rd person POV

Back at the hotel.

Shiba Tatsuya was by himself as he looks down from the window watching the urban scenery below him. 

He then grabbed his phone and started making a call. 

Tatsuya: Kiyotaka.

Ayanokouji: Tatsuya.

Tatsuya: How's Miyuki?

Ayanokouji: She's fine.

Tatsuya: I see...

Ayanokouji: Are you just calling me just to ask if your sister is doing fine? 

Tatsuya was silent. 

Ayanokouji: I thought so. Listen, you should be more concerned about yourself. Clearly, you're alienating yourself from the rest. 

Tatsuya: I know but...

Ayanokouji: Like I said, if you don't fix yourself now. You will be a burden to me and everyone, including Miyuki. 

Tatsuya: I'm really sorry...

Ayanokouji: Apologizing won't fix your mental state. By the way, I think he's already here. 

Tatsuya: What?

Right on cue.

Someone was knocking on the door. 

Tatsuya immediately answered the door as he was greeted by Shigeru Kaito-sensei. 

Shigeru: Tatsuya.

Tatsuya: Kiyotaka sent you, didn't he? 

Shigeru: He wanted me to check on you. I bet you didn't predict that from him. 

Tatsuya: I'd rather be alone sensei.

Shigeru: Fool.

Tatsuya: Huh?!

Suddenly Kaito-sensei tries to land a kick in which Tatsuya was able to block. 

Shigeru: Not bad. I thought your mental state would've also affected your reflexes as well.

Kaito then backs off for a bit.

Tatsuya: Something tells me you're no ordinary teacher. 

Shigeru: I think you should've known that by now.

Tatsuya: I have for quite some time. Tell me, what do you want from me?

Shigeru: I said that I'm willing to give you some advice if you need it.

Tatsuya: I didn't ask.

Shigeru: Listen, I won't force you or anything. But we have a clear understanding towards each other. You should be thankful that I'm here to help. As a psychologist of course.

Tatsuya: You're not just a psychologist, aren't you? Are you related to "that place"? 

Shigeru: What makes you say that? 

Tatsuya: You seem to have great trust towards Kiyotaka, and you seem to be quite close with Ryuzaki. It wouldn't surprise me if you know about the White Room as well. 

Shigeru: Well...I never really talked about my secret to anyone aside from L but you're extremely perceptive to know who I really am. Don't worry, I'm not on their side nor even care if Ayanokouji-sensei goes after my head. I'm going to make sure that he and the 6th generation won't get a chance to kill all of you. Tatsuya, I know you're worried about your sister being in trouble again. Even though you act emotionless. Doesn't mean that you don't have a heart. It's okay to feel helpless sometimes. You are only human after all. No matter how strong you are or how smart you are. You can never win every battle. Even the undefeated siblings of this class Sora and Shiro have to fall even once just to see what losing feels like. There is no shame in losing. That's just how life works. 

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