Bonus Chapter #2: Pool Time Fun

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Ayanokouji POV


Kurumi from behind spoke to me. 

"What is it?" I asked her. 

"So...Kaguya-san and Shirogane-kun just rented a private pool and they wanted us to join them."

"You're inviting me to join them?"

"Of course! I mean we never had time to go swimming together. Don't you want to go?" she said almost about to beg for it.

"Don't we have a lot of stuff to do?" I said since knowing that if the 6th generation struck. 

We could be in danger.

"I know but you really need some RNR." I guess she has a point but...

"You managed to have fun with me the previous night so why not just relax a little bit more huh?"

"I wish I could but..."

All of a sudden.

I felt a grip on my hand and of course it was Kurumi herself. 


"Did you suddenly forget my promise to you? I want to make you smile remember?" My memory is as sharp as anyone here. Of course, I remember. 

"But I don't think-"

"Come on, just this once! I promise it will be fun." 

I was obviously reluctant.

But seeing her just suddenly giving me the puppy eyes...


Ohh right.

It was already pretty troublesome with Karuizawa back then but that goes the same for Kurumi. 

Though to be fair, it's rare for her to be pushy so I'll cut her some slack and join her. 

I suppose I do need to relax a little bit more since once this entire vacation is over. 

It's time to go back to business. 

"Fine. I'll join in." 

"Really!? Thank goodness!" I knew that would be her reaction.

Kurumi then gave me a peck to the cheek as she then dragged me with her.

"Come on, you need to get changed."





3rd person POV

It was not long after that Ayanokouji and Kurumi are now at the private pool that Kaguya and Shirogane rented out. 

Ayanokouji went ahead to change first with Kurumi following after as she met with Kaguya and Asuna on her way to the changing rooms.

After changing.

Ayanokouji went out first as he heads to the pool with Kazuto and Shirogane already there. 

Kazuto: Ohh hey Kiyotaka-san!

Shirogane: Sup!

Ayanokouji just waved at them as he met up with the two.

Shirogane: For a minute, I thought you wouldn't actually join us. 

Ayanokouji: Kurumi made me join in. 

Kazuto: Damn. I suppose given that you seem a little busier than usual, I guess it's understandable that you didn't want to relax for a but especially...well.

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