Chapter 186: The Past meets the Present

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3rd person POV

All four of the 4th generation are finally together for the first time which became red flags for the 6th generation coupled that with a 5th generation student who is also against the 6th. 

Hideki: This is bad. 

Hanako: Thanks for the stating the obvious genius. 

Miya: 5-vs-3. There's no goddamn way we're winning a fight like that.

Hanako: We're running away?! 

Miya: Call it a tactical retreat. 

Hideki managed to lift the unconscious Ishigami ready to retreat. 

Hideki: She's right. Besides I'll make art out of them eventually.

Haru: Leaving so soon? Did you forget that I'm faster than you, dumbasses!? 

Shiro: No way...(He's here? Haru-kun.)

Yuki looked around as she noticed both Shiro and Ayanokouji.

The moment she saw Ayanokouji.

Yuki immediately recognized him as her own memories flooded her mind. 

Yuki: Kiyotaka-kun?

Miya: This is problem that we can't deal with now. Let's retreat for now.

Hanako: But what abo-

Miya: Without Yamato-kun and Kenji-kun around we don't stand a chance. 

Hanako: Fiiiiinee!

Suddenly the 6th generation ran for it. 

Haru: Ohh no you don't!

As Haru was about to run towards them.

A Molotov was thrown, and it was from Miya preventing Haru from following them. 

Haru: Tch! cheap ass tricks. 

As things settle down. 

Only the five of them remain.

As they faced each other. 

Someone from a distance was watching them with binoculars in hand. 

 ???: 6th generation? More like cowards if you ask me. I don't know why Ayanokouji-sensei sent them if they're just going to run away. I was planning to kill Ayanokouji-senpai today but not while Amasawa and those three are there. But I'm not in a rush. I have plenty of time to do so. 




The four of the 4th gen along with Amasawa were now face to face with each other. 

Ayanokouji: How did you even find this place Haru? 

Haru: Well, let's say I gathered my own info, but I had a tiny road bump that I had to deal with. 

Ayanokouji: And what would that be?


Haru POV

"I still can't believe your here. Why go to this school?" I asked her. 

"I'm here to help him." Yuki replied.

"Who Kiyotaka? why would you do that? even you know he's a heartless machine that only cares about winning." 

"That's a lie. Kaito-sensei told me he's changed, and he even has a girlfriend." she said.

"I suppose you're right, but I don't really care if he's changed. He's still the Masterpiece."

"Masterpiece? call him that too?" 

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