Chapter 198: Groups Decided

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3rd person POV

Inside of the storehouse.

The 6th generation, Utomiya, and Ishigami are all meeting this afternoon. 

Utomiya: Shiba-sensei is behind this isn't he? 

Shinryuu: It's his idea after all. Let's see if these senpais really are a threat to us. 

Kenji: What did we tell you about underestimating our opponents?

Shinryuu: I know, I know. But none of them are as fun to play with as Class S. 

Hanako: I really hope I get to be grouped up with Ayanokouji-senpai. I really want to play with him. 

Yamato: The groups aren't decided until tomorrow so who knows if you will end up with him or not. 

Hanako pouts.

Hanako: So, there's a chance that I can't play with him?

Miya: Our focus is Ayanokouji-senpai but eliminating his classmates is also a pretty good idea.

Hideki: And what do you propose we should do then? 

Kenji: For now, we should just wait. 

???: Oi!! there you are!

An angry voice was echoed as all of them turned their attention to the door. 

As Class 2-D's brute.

Hosen Kazuomi has arrived with a pissed off look. 

Utomiya: Hosen?!

Kenji: Oh? 

Hosen: You!

He points at the brown-haired girl. 

Miya: You mean me? 

Hosen: You're going to pay for breaking my fucking arm! I missed an exam because of you whore! 

Miya: You provoked us first. Wasn't my fault.

Hosen: It is your fault! Get your pathetic ass over here and let's see if you can try that again! 

Miya: What an annoying piece of shit. If you want me to break an arm again then I'm very eager to do so-

Yamato: Hold on.

Miya: Yamato-kun?

Hosen: Eh?

Yamato then steps forward confronting the delinquent. 

Yamato: So, you're the infamous Hosen Kazuomi. 

Hosen: Yeah, I am. Now get out of my way so I can beat the shit out of this bitch. 

Yamato: There's no need for violence. Besides, I think you can be of use to me. 

Utomiya: What?!

Hanako: Are you really going to let him join us? I mean isn't he Daigo-senpai's dog? 

Hosen: Shut it! I'm no one's dog! 

Yamato: And yet why work with someone who's as arrogant as Daigo-senpai?

Hosen was silent as he just glared at Yamato. 

Yamato: Has he even kept his promise in paying you millions of points? He dumped his influence over the 2nd years already. He doesn't see you as useful anymore to him. 

Hosen: You like running your mouth a lot, don't you?!

Yamato: But you know I'm telling the truth. Daigo-senpai hasn't paid you shit. He merely used you like Utomiya-senpai. 

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