Chapter 269: Secrets to Tell

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Special Annex building

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji just brought an unconscious Hanako to an empty room.

It's not exactly empty as Hideki is also there conscious but tied up. 

Ayanokouji puts Hanako gently to the floor. 

Hideki: Tch! You're kidding me.

Ayanokouji: Is something wrong? 

Hideki: What is the purpose of capturing us? This won't hold us for long. 

Ayanokouji: I know. It's to ensure that you don't cause any trouble. Plus, I do have some people watching you in case you do try to escape. Isn't that right, Shiro?

Just then Shiro (Masakatsu) enters the room. 

Hideki: You...

Shiro: Are you sure this is a good idea? Like you said, it won't hold them for long and we should also take in consideration of any backup. 

Ayanokouji: That's okay. I already have that covered.

Shiro: You do? No surprise there. 

Ayanokouji: If they do escape. Do what is necessary.

Shiro nods as Ayanokouji leaves the room. 

As he left the room. 

Ayanokouji went to another room across where he came from. 

Ayanokouji: Sorry to keep you waiting.

From across the room. 

Yagami Takuya was waiting. 

Yagami: Let's get on with this already. 

Ayanokouji: So, you're finally going to cooperate?

Yagami: I didn't say that I'm going to cooperate with you. I'm only here to join you just for this exam only. After hearing that you and Amasawa captured two 6th generation students. It's absolutely sickening that you can do this so easily. I have my own plans on dealing with them. 

Ayanokouji: Have it your way. 

He started turning his back on Takuya as he plans to leave. 

Yagami: Wait, you're just going to ignore me now!? 

Ayanokouji: You said you have your own plans. So, I'll leave it to you. 

Yagami: Tsk! I'm tired of being disrespected like this. 

Ayanokouji: If you want me to respect you. Cooperate with me, otherwise we're both going to lose. 

Yagami: I think you mean you're going to lose. You're the one that's coming back to that place.

Ayanokouji: You don't understand at all. You're going to get hunted down too and I don't think you'll find it easy given the people who are after you. 

Yagami: You're underestimating me, aren't you?

Ayanokouji: That arrogant nature of yours is your downfall. You believe yourself to be above everyone else but in truth, you are insecure. You cannot accept your defeat nor brush away the grudge you had towards me. If you hoped to be better than me, you should remove those traits. Being in constant vengeance will only cloud your mind. 

Takuya wanted to go and kill him right here and now, but he knows that even if he's alone. 

He would still lose.

Yagami: I just don't understand you. How could you be so capable of being ahead all the time? We were trained in the same place. How are you far superior to me in every way? Tell me!

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