Chapter 279: A Fallen Angel

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Ayanokouji POV

Looks like everyone is dealing with their respective opponents. 


But I'm not out of trouble yet. 

Knowing Akuma.

He always has something up his sleeve. 

But there's no point in me worrying about it. 

I must focus on the task at hand.

I can't let anyone slow me down now. 

Otherwise, I would end them without hesitation. 

As I continue to make my way to the storehouse. 

I noticed something behind me. 

It's feint but I can hear it. 

I looked behind me and no one was there.

But I did notice a soda can on the ground. 


I know what this is. 

I quickly got out of the way as the smoke bursts out of the can. 

Colored smoke. 

It has a shade of red in it. 

Must be a warning shot. 

The hairs of the back of my neck stood up as I can sense someone coming behind me and with killing intent. 

I looked behind me for only about 2 seconds before dodging a vicious strike.

And not just any strike.

It was a knife attack. 

3rd person POV

Hanako: Awww I missed! I wanted to see you bleed. 

Just then through the smoke. 

Hideki rushes in to try and land a punch on Kiyo but to no avail as he dodges it with ease before grabbing Hideki's arm and lands an elbow to his face.

Hideki: Damn it...

Ayanokouji: You two are free? 

Hanako: Even you know that you saw this coming. We ain't going down without a fight senpai. 

Hideki: Time for you to listen to your requiem Masterpiece!

Both 6th generation students surround Ayanokouji. 

Hanako had her two knives while Hideki has his colored smoke bombs. 

As they plan to attack him at the same time. 

Hideki and Hanako now had their hairs on the back of their necks stand as three figures suddenly struck them and forced to dodge. 

Kaguya suddenly struck with her own pocketknife as Hanako is forced to dodge while Amasawa along with Nanase both try to strike Hideki, but he dodged as well. 

The three girls are now in between as they protect Ayanokouji. 

Kaguya: You okay, Kiyotaka-kun? 

Amasawa: The cavalry has arrived!

Nanase: We're here senpai! 

Hanako: Ohh great! I didn't think you could ambush us at a time like this. 

Kaguya: Sorry to rain on your parade but I won't let you stop Kiyotaka-kun from getting to your base. We got this. Just go.

Ayanokouji: Thanks.

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