Chapter 233: Connections

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Miya POV

"What are you reading up Miya-san?" Hideki-kun asked as I noticed him making origami. 

"Our opponents of course. You can never be too careful." With the little info I have on Yuki-senpai. 

I have to work with what I got. 

Unfortunately for her though. 

I'm not worried. 

I told her back in the island exam that I was merely holding back on her for a bit.

Which makes sense on my part since I was battling an unknown opponent. 

Sakayanagi-senpai and the others aren't going to be a threat. 

However, there is someone that is surprisingly caught my interest. 

It's not the fact that this person is strong. 

It's the fact that there are so many names that are in this school. 

Then again, names like that deserve to be in a school of elites. 

First Shinomiya, Hayasaka, Yukinoshita...

And now Asano.

It's crazy to believe that these names are all here. 

Most of them have different backgrounds. 

But one thing that connects all of them.

Is "that place".

I've been told stories from Tsukishiro-sensei about people like them. 

Though they are not a pain in the ass compared to Ayanokouji-senpai himself. 

It's quite interesting that we get to meet people that are connected to that place in some way, shape, or form. 

But it doesn't matter to me. 

What matters is that Ayanokouji-senpai is coming back with me. 

And with my family's and Ayanokouji-sensei's approval of arranged marriage for the two of us. 

We'll be the most powerful people in Japan.

Honestly, Ayanokouji-senpai is an impressive human being. 

Even if he isn't human himself. 

He has an unprecedented level of thinking. 

A difficult person to read. 

"You're thinking about Ayanokouji-senpai again, aren't you Miya-san?" 

I snapped out of my little daydream as I looked at Hideki-kun. 

"How did you know?" 

"You're probably not interested in battling Class B. Even though you wanted revenge. But this is part of getting rid of Ayanokouji-senpai. Expel our opponent or kill them. The result with be the same. Tell me something, do you have a crush on the Masterpiece?"

"Excuse me?"

"Just like with the case of Shinryuu and Hayasaka-senpai. Don't tell me there's a greater purpose of these feelings towards him?" Damn it, Hideki-kun saw through me for a bit there. 

"*Sigh* I suppose there is a bit of a purpose...but I'm not telling. Also, you've managed to learn about Shinryuu-kun's unexpected relationship with Hayasaka-senpai before the sports festival, didn't you?" 

"I may have eavesdropped a bit." Hideki-kun replied. 

"I see. Listen, Yuki-senpai is mine. You and Utomiya-kun can do whatever you want with Sakayanagi and the rest. Besides, Kenji-kun was generous enough to leak the location of Class B's exam."

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