Chapter 181: The Genius's toughest challenge

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Hanako POV

The nerve on Kaguya-senpai to stick that knife on my shoulder. 

She taught I was in pain but what a fool she is. 

That barely even hurt me. 

Sure, my backside is bleeding as hell but what can you? 

I immediately took out the knife on my back. 

That would've hurt like shit for a normal student but I'm not normal. 

I never have been even since birth. 

I should really get my back treated as soon as possible. 

Suddenly though I got a phone call and who else other than Yamato-kun. 

I answered the phone immediately. 


"Looks like you've retired multiple students without a sweat." he said through the phone.

"Yep, but not just that. The two students I fought gave me one hell of a fight. Even if they're not White Room students." I said.

"Well then, I noticed that you suddenly ran when multiple people came in. Why is that?" Yamato-kun asked.

"Well, I thought Shinryuu-kun would've disposed of Karma-senpai and Nagisa-senpai but there was someone else." I replied. 

"Is it Ayanokouji-senpai? Because the GPS doesn't display names." 

"It's not, it was a boy who also wore an expressionless look, but my guess is that boy could've been the one to beat him." 

"What did you just say?!" he spoke in calm tone, but I could tell that he might be a little shocked. 

"Shinryuu-kun hasn't moved or even reported back to us. This means he probably was retired." I spoke.

"Impossible. We had everything planned and we lost one?" 

"Though I did retire Kaguya-senpai and three others so that's already a big blow to Class S. Shame that Katagiri-senpai would still be at large." As much as I wanted to stab Katagiri-senpai as well, those two got in the way first. 

"It's fine, besides who's Katagiri-senpai going to manipulate in our ranks?" Yamato-kun asked.

"Ohh yeah, I remember now. Isn't he the one that Shiba-sensei talked about?" I asked back. 

"Keeping him there is fine with us. Sensei will be the one to deal with him." 

"What about Ayanokouji-senpai?" I inquired once again.

"Change of plans."

"What?! but you said I get to see him?!!?" I said with a shock tone. 

"You mentioned that there was someone else who managed to beat Shinryuu right? It couldn't have been Karma-senpai or Nagisa-senpai. If an unknown variable comes into play, then we need to take a different route." he replied.


"No buts Hanako, I will not allow some unknown variables ruin our plans. Get to the rendezvous point by the next 2 hours. We still have another week after all." 





Ayanokouji POV

"Kiyotaka-kun, I've taken out one." Shiro said while talking to me on the phone. 

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