Chapter 182: Yuki Shizuku/Kei Shinomiya vs Miya Hamasaki/Hideki Hagimoto

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Somewhere on the island

Sora POV

"Oi! wake up."

I heard a voice as I slowly opened my eyes. 

Jesus, how long was I out for? 

I finally opened my eyes and saw a tall figure in front of me. 


I started moving but for some reason, my movements are limited. 

Then I came to the realization that I'm actually tied up. 

"Hey! where the hell am I?!" I shouted at the person in front of me. 

"Well, took you long enough." he said.

The tall boy with glasses then walked towards me. 

"Who are you?" I asked the figure. 

"Ohh I get it now, you're one of the people that attacked us." I said as I instantly deduced the situation before me. 

"Oh my, you seem to know the situation already. Your intelligence really is something beyond our expectations." he said sounding a little impressed.

I then looked around my surroundings as I noticed something else. 

I saw my sister also tied up. 

Ohh great...

"What now? you're going to interrogate us now or something?" I asked sarcastically. 

"I don't like your attitude."

The boy wore a serious look. 

Though his aura and presence feel a little too familiar. 

"How rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Masaki Kenji. Class 1-A."

"Masaki Kenji huh." 

"So, Masaki-san. What's your big plan? but I'm assuming that you're not the leader of this operation." I said to him. 

"You're unnaturally perceptive Sora-senpai. But yes, I'm not the one running this joint. Though I do serve as the assistant leader in our ranks." Masaki said. 

"Where is Kiyotaka? where are the others?" I bombarded him with questions. 

"I'd like to answer but even if you know the answer to that. You don't have the capacity to help them." Masaki looked at me with eyes that would terrify almost everyone. 

Well, except me of course. 

This guy really has some sinister aura with him.

"So, what are you going to do to us exactly?" I asked again. 

"You're staying here until the exam is over." he replied.

"You're not going to retire us?" 

"That would be their expectations. However, we prefer using you guys as bait." Masaki said.

"Bait? you're kidding."

"In fact, we already have someone here who's already good bait for another dangerous individual of that class." he moved to his left in which I could see a girl also tied up. 

"Wait isn't that-"

"That's right, Shiba Miyuki-senpai is also with us."

Damn it.

They even got Tatsuya's sister too.

"You got her too huh. But seeing as though Tatsuya isn't around. This means you haven't caught him or even retired him." I said. 

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