Chapter 195: Gods, Emperors, and Monsters

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Haru POV

"Let me ask you a question Tadashi." 

"What is it Daigo-sama?" 

"Do you understand the situation that we are in now?" I asked.

Both Tadashi and I are currently playing chess. 

Of course, my undefeated streak continues but no doubt Tadashi has been improving. 

Think of it as a way for me to train him. 

Increase his level of decision making and how we can control the pawns below us. 

After all. 

Everyone in Class A are pawns to me. 

While those that are more useful to me. 

They serve as the more powerful pieces. 

Bishops, Knights, Rooks, Queen.

And King.

They are the ones who I control with ease. 

Creating moves that no pawn is capable of. 

Pawns are but fodders to my greater scheme. 

All of them bend to my will. 

"I know what you mean Daigo-sama but you really believe that Ayanokouji would even cooperate with us? I know you see yourself as a king but what if the other king, controls you." 

"Kiyotaka doesn't control me. We're both on equal footing. In fact. I'm the only one whose put him over his limit. No one intellectually or physically can match him 1-on-1. That's the difference between me and the plebians who dare challenge me. I didn't choose to become king."

"I was already king the day that I was born." 

"I see. Daigo-sama, let me ask you a question now." Tadashi said.

"Go on."

"I've seen your true strength in action. You're thinking is beyond mine or anyone's level. You are a person that even hell fears."

"Your point?" 

"Your secret. Where did you get all of this power?" 


"I know I shouldn't question your power, but I am not one to belittle those that are above me. I just want to know. What are you really? Whenever I looked into those crimson eyes. It's like looking at the pits of hell itself. I can sense your power but couldn't guess it's origin. Are you really a born genius, or something else?"

I glared at Tadashi. 

I didn't expect my loyal servant to ask me such questions. 

But I suppose since we are the only ones in this room. 

I don't mind entertaining him a bit. 

I can't hide this secret forever anyway. 

I should at least tell it to someone who for the first time. 

I have my full trust. 

Chikao Tadashi.

I saw great potential in him. 

His calculating ability, memory, intelligence, and the fact he knows his place. 

Makes him the perfect ally for me in this school that is not from the White Room. 

"Tadashi. You want to know so badly?" 

"Yes, I must know why my master's power is the way it is." he said.

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