Chapter 236: Downfall

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3rd person POV

Most of Class S were back at the hotel.

Shiba Miyuki was walking along with Tokisaki Kurumi and Hayasaka Ai as the three of them planned on going to one of the swimming pools to relax. 

Kurumi: Looks like you had fun. 

Miyuki: Yes, Onii-sama and I did some shopping as well after all. It was great. 

Kurumi: I see.

Miyuki: By the way, thanks for inviting me. 

Hayasaka: It's no problem Shiba-san. 

Kurumi: Hey, shouldn't you be with Shinomiya-san?

Hayasaka: Actually, Kaguya-sama is on a date right now. 

Kurumi: Ara ara, is that so? 

Miyuki: Now that I think about it. You've been pretty distant with her as of late. 

Hayasaka: She told me I can do whatever I want. Even though I am obligated to protect my mistress, she told me it's important to bond with you guys. 

Kurumi: Actually, she's only using that as an excuse to get close to Kiyotaka-kun. 

She chimed in. 

Hayasaka: That's not true!

Miyuki: Is that so? Then again you have been pretty close with him as of late. 

Hayasaka: We're just friends.

Kurumi: You've said that like 4 times now. 

Hayasaka: Hmph!

She just turned her head while blushing. 

Kurumi: Are you doing alright now, Miyuki-san? 

Miyuki: Of course. 

Kurumi: What about your brother?

Miyuki suddenly became silent. 

Miyuki: He's...still a little distant. 

Kurumi: Ohhh...I understand. You know I never asked, what kind of relationship that you and Tatsuya-san have? 

Miyuki: Oh?

Kurumi: From what I observed, you two are really close. In fact, I think so close that people mistake you two as a couple. 

Miyuki: Eehhhh!!???!

She suddenly turned red. 

Hayasaka: Huh? What's wrong?

Miyuki: I-It's nothing! Nothing at all.

Both Kurumi and Hayasaka just looked at each other in confusion. 

Kurumi: It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Don't worry about it.

Miyuki POV 

To be honest, I don't think I've ever told everyone in Class S before about it and I don't think Onii-sama has said it to anyone before.

 I know it wouldn't be much but it's still embarrassing to talk about. 

The truth is...Onii-sama isn't my Onii-sama in the first place. 

It's a difficult thing to talk about given that we want to keep our past vague either because Onii-sama was never interested in talking about it or because we're just that good at keeping such information about us.

I used to resent him because my mother was overprotective of me and used him as my guardian when all I wanted to do was to grow independent. 

He wasn't my Onii-sama from the start, you could say he was...adopted.

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