Chapter 184: Shattered mental/Rescue Mission

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By the shore

3rd person POV

Mashima: This is outrageous!

Shigeru: You should really calm down. 

Mashima: Calm!? have you even heard what happened around this island? Fires breaking out, a student got stabbed and multiple students getting concussions. Are you really going to allow that!?

Shigeru: ... 

Mashima: Speak up!

Chabashira: Just quit it already. the damage has already been done. 

Mashima: Then what are we supposed to do then!? Also, where even is Shiba-sensei!? 

Shigeru: Yes, I'm also wondering about that too. (Shiba Shinji. What are you up to now?) 




Deep in the island. 

Shinji: Looks like things are going quite well. 

Kenji: Yes, we'll be one step closer to getting rid of Ayanokouji-dono. Though given that we don't know our overall points since there is one rule that wasn't even mentioned which is the scoring is left vague so that we can focus on survival and dealing with the other classes. 

Shinji: True, however I actually have the scores right here on this tablet. 

Kenji: Hmm?

Yamato: He didn't tell you huh Kenji. Yes, he's been secretly keeping track of the points for each class. As of now our class is at #1 though it's surprising that Class S is still in 2nd place despite losing their checkpoints. But it doesn't matter because secretly, we made deals with the entirety of the 1st years as well as some of the 2nd years to let themselves get shot by us. Though they wouldn't normally comply to such a thing. a reward of 100,000 points for each student of those years is enough to motivate them.  

Kenji: They would ask for more than just 100,000 points though, but we circumvented that situation easily. How may you ask?

Kenji paused himself before answering his own question. 

Kenji: Fear.

Shinji: Fear you say? 

Kenji: Yes, it is the most primal of human emotions. By instilling the most fear into your subordinates. They will be willing to follow you to no matter what. Even if one of them even thinks of defying those that are powerful. 

Yamato: Humans are creatures that naturally feel fear. Though there are some that exploit it to some degree. True fear is something where the consequences are at its most diabolical. Why make others fear you if you don't give them a reason to? 

Shinji: What is this consequence you speak of? 

Yamato: A punishment that they will be forced to witness if they don't comply. We've done it to every class in our year level. The consequence? Death.

Shinji: Oh ho? 

Yamato: It sounds extreme yes. But it's better to implant something traumatic through their pathetic minds. We had someone pretend to be dead in front of each class. With fake blood and everything. We don't want to leave dead bodies this early, so we had to make a few people play dead for us. A motivation tool to force them to comply. 

Kenji: And if they don't comply then we'll make real deaths happen.

Shinji: As expected. You two have the most sadistic minds in the White Room. Even willing to use death as a way to make them kneel before you and given the presence you two have. It wouldn't be surprising that you two are capable of killing. 

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