Chapter 187: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji/Shiro Masakatsu vs Yamato Akuma/Kenji Masaki

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10th day

Yuuichi POV

"Tch! I knew you were here. Of all places, you just had to be here in this very school."

"Not happy to see your brother be in a school like this? I'm here to teach bright minds rather than swindle and take money this time. I retired from that job. I just wanted to be a teacher now. Is that wrong?" Shinji asked but it sounds condescending on his part as if this was part of his act. 

Which it is. 

"You're the last person that I would ever expect to be in a school like this. What do you want exactly?" I asked.

"Nothing really. I'm merely an observer." he replied calmly. 

"You're lying. I can tell that you're associated with those children, and you were helping them, aren't you?"

"Ohh them, of course you'd figure it out. But you don't even know everything. You haven't been given the full gist of it." he said.

I just stood there and glared at my "Onii-chan".

This is definitely Shinji. 

His demeanor hasn't changed much.

But I shouldn't be worried. 

"Why are you even here Shinji? Revenge? cause that's the only reason why you're even here. I already beat you before. What makes you think you can beat me now? Your own father even knows I'm better." I said to him.

"True but this isn't the Tomodachi Game. We're in a different environment now. One where I can meddle with you as much as I want but you're not my priority just yet. I'm looking to expel Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from this establishment." 

"I knew it. This further confirms that you are associated with them. Tell me, do you work for yourself, or do you work for someone else?" I asked.

"Hoh? as expected, you're as perceptive as ever Yuuichi. I do work for someone else but that's none of your business." he said as he glared back at me. 

"However, I will tell you some secrets." he added.


"Yes, about that "friend" of yours. Ayanokouji."

"What about him?"

"I'm sure you're already aware that he's not normal person." Shinji said.

"Of course, I already know. My only problem is that where would he even gained such strength and intelligence. I'm no rocket scientist but I do have my own theories that Kei and I came up with about him." 

"Kei? ohh yes, Shinomiya is also here with you. I'm surprised he's not with your group but then again, you've been separated thanks to "them"." 

"So, what's this theory that you two came up with?" 

The way his tone changed there. 

It's like he's probably anticipating about what idea I have right now. 

"Kiyotaka might've gotten this talent from somewhere else. Not from any school in Japan that I could name of. Maybe he's some kind of science experiment." I replied.

Suddenly a smirk formed on Shinji's face. 

Could that mean I'm right somehow?

"My, what a wild theory there but you're actually pretty close." 

"Am I? It's only a theory after all." 

"It's no theory Yuuichi. It's actually true. He's a mere science experiment. Though a successful one at that." he said.

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