Chapter 202: Rivalries Forged (Part 1)

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Group 2

Shiro POV

"Hey, Shiro-kun. I'm sure you already planned something to deal with that kouhai from Class 1-B." Kurumi said as we both walked towards our designated room. 

Looking at the group we landed on. 

There are a few threats that need to be dealt with. 

Class 3-B.

Asano Gakushu.

From what I've gathered from the OAA app and a few other sources that Akabane gave me. 

He's from the same school as both Akabane and Shiota. 

In the school he came from.

He's regarded a genius among his peers. 

A prodigy molded to be the best. 

Though his biggest weakness according to Akabane.

He's extremely arrogant. 

Which makes him someone who will end up underestimating us. 

I doubt Tsubaki will be a threat since she's pretty much on our side according to Kiyotaka-kun. 

Actually, I personally spoke to her earlier today before the exam began. 


3rd person POV

Tsubaki: Yeah, I'll help you.

Shiro: Really? (That was easy)

Tsubaki: I'm serious. Besides I want a simple favor to ask you since you're Ayanokouji-senpai's friend. 

Shiro: And that is? 

Tsubaki: I want to personally expel that brown haired girl. After humiliating me and my friend. 

Shiro: (Brown haired girl? Must be referring to Hamasaki. She's the one that fought Yuki-san on the island and attacked Shinomiya-kun and the others. I don't know what else this girl is capable of, but I know for certain she will be a bigger threat to deal with.)

Tsubaki: So, do you have a plan senpai? Because I have one. 

Shiro: No, you're going with mine. 

Tsubaki: What? 

Shiro: Kiyotaka-kun told me that you are quiet smart but against that girl you mentioned. You realize you don't stand a chance, right? 

Tsubaki: Are you serious? are you underestimating me? 

Shiro: No, you're just weak. 

Tsubaki: Tch! harsh much.

Shiro: I'm just telling the truth. Hurts, doesn't it? 

Tsubaki: Bastard. 

Shiro: Whatever, Saku-chan.

Tsubaki: Saku-chan?!

Shiro: Short for Sakurako. Is that a problem? 

Tsubaki: Yeah, it is. Weird question, have you ever had a girlfriend before? 

Shiro: No, why'd you ask?

Tsubaki: Is giving weird nicknames towards girls you've never met before a habit or something? 

Shiro: Maybe. I did once call Nanase, Tsu-chan. Short for her first name and a reference to the name Tsuyu from MHA. 

Tsubaki: What?

Shiro: I read manga and watch anime during my spare time. I also play the biwa and write poems. 

(A/N: Basically, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji = Piano and Calligraphy, Haru Daigo = Violin and Drawing, Shiro Masakatsu = Biwa and Poems. I'd like you guys to guess Yuki's)

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