Chapter 275: Takuya Yagami vs Yamato Akuma

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3rd person POV

At the same time as Ayanokouji and Hayasaka were dealing with Shinryuu.

Takuya is confronting the leader of the 6th generation and the rank 1 student of that generation. 

Yagami: I've waited a long time for this.

Yamato: Same here. You're expecting a fight, aren't you? 

Yagami: It should be obvious. 

Yamato: I suppose there is no escaping the inevitable. 

Yagami: It's about time. I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to target Ayanokouji-senpai next. 

Yamato: You seriously believe that you can kill me? 

Yagami: I don't think. I know that I can kill you. 

Miya: Heh! What an arrogant boy. Just because you're our senpai means you're better than us. 

Kenji: You're not on Yamato-dono's level. 

Yamato: It seems that your memory has decided not to recall it, but we are the ones who did what you couldn't do and that's take down Class S and Ayanokouji-senpai. We're the ones who gave the Masterpiece's first loss. 

Yagami: I don't care if you beat him. If I can beat, you then that means I'm already better than the Masterpiece. A sound logic, don't you think? 

Yamato: Such a makeshift idea coming from you. You never had any respect for the Masterpiece. At least I show respect towards him in spite of my objective. Unlike're always acting like a child who was given everything. You are the number 1 student of the 5th generation, but you lack the maturity and reasoning to back that up. You could've been able to expel him yourself if you had the patience and knowledge of your opponents and yet you struck without having to consider it. Any of the special threats would've beaten you in nearly every category. We're not as ill equipped as you and Amasawa. That's why we're here now. 

Yagami: You think I lost because I had no preparation and didn't consider his classmates a threat?

Yamato: Whether you are prepared or not. You would've lost either way. 

Yagami: Shut up!

Takuya begins to sprint forwards as he strikes Yamato with his fist. 

But without even any effort.

Yamato blocks his attack. 

Yamato: Is that the best you can do? 

Yagami: Tch!

Takuya begins his barrage of kicks and punches as Yamato evades all of it without effort like before.

Takuya wasn't going to stop as he goes for another punch but Yamato in an instant, lands the first punch on to his face as Takuya is forced back in seconds. 

Yagami: So fast!

Yamato immediately follows his attack with a fist to his chest before landing a punch to Takuya's gut. 

Takuya is able to strike back however but Yamato easily blocks his next consecutive attacks. 

Takuya tries to tackle him to the ground.

But with only with his raw strength. 

Yamato prevented him from getting pushed down by him. 

Miya: That's hilarious! He thinks he can push him down to the ground and hopefully gain the advantage from there. 

Takuya despite all of his strength couldn't push Yamato down. 

Yamato begins to grab Takuya's head and lands a knee to his face. 

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