Chapter 211: Cruel Destiny

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3rd person POV












???: I know you're in there! just open up!! 

It was around Saturday. 

8:02 AM 

Kanzaki Ryuji and Watanabe Norihito were at a door. 

To be more precise.

Hikigaya Hachiman's dorm. 

Kanzaki: Goddamnit, he's not opening the door. It's been days since the exam. Open the door Hikigaya! 

He continues to knock. 

But no response. 

Watanabe: What are we going to do? We're likely going to lose class points if he doesn't come back to school. 

Kanzaki: I know that! But God, he's not even opened the door nor answered his phone for 5 days. 

Watanabe: I think we should just leave him alone. 

Kanzaki: I would do the same but...he is our only hope in making it to Class A and I'm not letting Ryuen take over the class. 


Ryuen: How long has Hikigaya been absent? I think this proves that he's finally lost the will to fight. 

Kanzaki: But at least let me try to convince him to go back to class! 

Ryuen: It's pointless. I know the feeling of loss like that, but I learned that he is quite strong. He's proved to me that he is more than capable. As well as being ruthless. Otherwise, if you can't convince him within a week. I'll be taking over this class from now on. I don't give a fuck if he gets expelled. I'm going to win the sports festival without him anyway. 

Kanzaki: Tch! 

Ryuen: Are you mad? that's fine, it won't bring him back either way. His soul is completely crushed. There's no going back for him. 

Kanzaki: I will bring him back here! 

Ryuen: You won't, you're only wasting your time. 

*Flashback over*

Kanzaki: (I'm not wasting my time. Damn it Hikigaya! if you don't get out of this room now. Our class is already screwed!) 

???: Don't tell me he's still in there? 

Suddenly, a girl appeared before the two. 

Watanabe: Y-Yukinoshita-san! 

Yukino: *Sigh* I knew he would still be there. 

She too began knocking the door. 

Yukino: Hikigaya-kun! Get out of your dorm already! I know you're in there. 

No response. 

Yukino: He's still not budging. 

Watanabe: What are we supposed to do now?!

Kanzaki: There's nothing we can do... 

Yukino/Watanabe: Huh?

Kanzaki: Fine...if he's not coming out then I will take leadership over Class C. I don't care if I have to fight Ryuen over it. I'm keeping this class afloat, it's what I promised to Hikigaya. We're leaving. 

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