Chapter 267: Difficult Territory

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3rd day of the exam

5:57 AM

Nanase POV

My head hurts.

What the hell just happened?

I think I remembered getting stabbed and then...


That was trippy. 

Wait a minute.

Where am I? 

Why is it so cramped here? 

I tried to look around but it's a bit dark in here. 

I made some movements but it's like I'm in some kind of enclosed space of sorts. 

That's it! 

I think I'm in some kind of box. 

"Hey! What's going on!? Why am I inside a box?!"

3rd person POV

Hanako: Fufufufufu!

Nanase: Hey!!

Hanako: Ohhh, you're awake?

Nanase: That voice...did you put me in here!? 

Hanako: Maybe...

Nanase tries kicking about inside the box, but she couldn't get out. 

Hanako: It's completely pointless. This metal box is locked on the outside. It's impossible for you to escape. 

Nanase: Then at least tell me where the hell I am?!

Hanako: Sorry but that's classified information. 

Nanase: I said tell me!!

Hanako: What's that? Sorry but I don't have time for this. I've got a job to do. See ya!

Hanako leaves as Nanase continues to kick the box. 

Nanase: Chisaka!!

Nanase POV

Son of a-

Well, this is a problem. 

Now what do I do? 

I don't think my radio is with me or my phone. 

Now I can't contact Ayanokouji-senpai or Amasawa-san.

Damn it!

Hey...wait a second.

I still have this. 

Now if only I could see it, but I can use it.

I have an earpiece communicator with me in case my radio or phone was stolen or destroyed. 

Now that I think about it.

Ayanokouji-senpai's sensei has been a big help.


Two days before the exam

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji: Here.

From his hand are what looks like earpieces.

Nanase: What is this senpai? 

Ayanokouji: An earpiece communicator. This is to ensure if something happened to your phones or radios. Use these as backups.

Tsubaki: Where did you get these?

Ayanokouji: Apparently Shigeru-sensei keeps these for emergencies. To be honest, even I am surprised that he even has one of these.

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