Chapter 229: Rising Danger

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Kenji POV

I'm currently in the streets of Osaka along with Miya and Hideki.

The three of us are wearing hoodies so that no one from our school will recognize us and deduce any of our suspicious activities. 

"Oi Kenji-kun!" I heard Miya's voice. 

"What is it?"

"Shouldn't we strategize for the exam? I mean what are we walking around Osaka for?" 

"Please don't complain Miya-san. Kenji probably has something in mind. Either from Yamato's orders or he has his own plan." Hideki said.

"The latter would be the case, Hideki." I replied.

"I see."

"Yamato-dono and I don't plan on participating in this exam either way. We have something else in mind." I said.

"Well, whatever it is. Hideki-kun and I are more focused on dealing with Sakayanagi-senpai's class. I really want that bitch, Shizuku Yuki-senpai gone for good." 

I can sense the malice in her tone. 

No doubt she wants to provide some payback. 

Unfortunately, though Class B will be in an interesting situation. 

Now that we know that Yagami-senpai managed to return to ANHS and the fact that Yuki-senpai is here as well. 

Things could get rough. 

Though thanks to the info Utomiya has provided. 

It's clear that Yagami-senpai does have something else planned. 

So, if my prediction is correct.

Yagami-senpai will likely not participate in the exam at all. 

In fact, his goal in this exam is similar to mine.

Of course, I won't let him kill Ayanokouji-dono. 

But it will serve as a distraction so that I can kill Shiba Tatsuya. 

Plus, Ayanokouji-dono isn't going to lose to someone like him. 

"Let's move things forward. Ohh and make sure our contingency plan is also in the works in case things do go south."

"Understood." both of them replied at the same time.

"Split up."

The three of us then went to different streets.




Back at the hotel

Haru POV


We both stopped as we stumbled upon a certain door.

It had a sign that says, "Security room." 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"I suppose you have something devious in mind." Tadashi said.

"But not yet. We'll use it only when the time is right and as for the person who's following us." I looked behind me to gaze at a certain corner.

"Seriously, how do you even know?" Matsushita finally came out. 

"You believe Kiyotaka is the only one who can tell that someone is stalking me?" 

"I'm not stalking."

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