Chapter 252: New Grudges

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Class C

Hachiman POV

Has this school gone mad?

Then again, the Island Battle Royale exam was a thing but...

Fate really is a cruel mistress. 

Do I seriously have to work with Ayanokouji of all people in this exam? 

But since expulsion is on the line for the Class representative. 

I'm unfortunately still technically the class representative since Ryuen only said that I could lead again if I got my shit together. 

And I got my shit together at the wrong time. 


That offer of a final special exam instantly getting us to Class A if we beat Class S is something that neither Ryuen nor myself can pass up. 

I really hate to say it, but I guess I have no choice. 


Ohh boy...

I turned around to see a certain girl.

3rd person POV

Yukino: Ichinose-san just contacted me. She told me that you and Ryuen need to meet with Ayanokouji-kun later.

Hachiman: Huh? When did you and Ichinose exchange numbers? 

Yukino: During Winter Break.

Hachiman: Whatever...

He then stood up as he was about to leave the classroom. 

Hachiman: Hey! There's something that I've been meaning to ask, not like it matters to me or anything. 

Yukino: What is it? 

Hachiman: Ryuji told me that your connected to those kouhais and that your mom is colleagues with that former director. 

Yukino: He told you huh? To be honest, I really have no clue about that. 

Hachiman: I'm sure she would've told you or unless it's a dark secret of sorts that even you don't know.

Yukino: Could be but I don't think my mother would keep anything from me. I'm still thinking that what Chisaka told me could be a lie but the way she spoke about it. I started questioning it more. By the way who is this former director...Tsukishiro was it? 

Hachiman: I never really met him or spoke to him in person, but he was the former director of this school last year when the chairman suddenly took a backseat for a short while.

Yukino: You mean he was in charge at the time? 

Hachiman: Yeah, I was hoping you'd know who he is. At least if your mother mentioned a guy named Tsukishiro before. 

Yukino: Never. 

Hachiman: I see. (She's clueless about the White Room. I think it's for the best. I'm not one to stick my nose into such situations but for some reason all of this White Room stuff continues to bother me. Should I just tell her? No, it would be a waste of time and it could be a problem for her.)

Yukino then leaves the classroom after that. 

Hachiman: Well, I better get going. 

As Hachiman makes it out of the classroom.

Haru: Hesitant to tell her the truth? 

Hachiman: What the!?

Haru: Heh!

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