Chapter 194: Blank's comeback/A deadly contract

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4th day 

7:56 AM

3rd person POV

Sora, Shiro (Blank), Akira, Kazuto, and Asuna are all currently at a cafe on the ship. 

They're currently discussing about the class's next move. 

Akira: I've never seen the two of you on edge before. Are you two okay? 

Sora: Yeah, we're both goddamn fine. 

Sora started chugging down on the coffee like it was beer. 

Asuna: Are you sure? You two don't look like you're okay. 

Shiro (Blank): It's okay...we just needed some coffee that's all. 

The loli then puts more sugar cubes on her coffee. 

Akira: The only person I've seen putting more sugar cubes on their coffee like that is Ryuzaki. You've never done that before. There is definitely something wrong with you two. 

Kazuto: You can tell us if you want to. 

Sora: We're fine! Right Shiro?!

Shiro nodded very quickly. 

Kazuto: Yup, there is something wrong with you two. 

Asuna: Is it because this is our first loss? 

Sora and Shiro looked at them acting confused. 

Sora: Loss? Blank never losses. They didn't beat Blank. They beat the class. We weren't even participating in the craziness that's been going on. 

Akira: I'm surprised that the great Sora is now making excuses. No one can be undefeated forever you know. 

Sora: Shut it Akira-san! Blank has never lost to anyone. We weren't even retired nor even been outsmarted directly. We never lose!

Kazuto whispered to Asuna.

Kazuto: I've never seen them like this before. 

Asuna: I agree. Guess that first loss impacted those two the most. If they've never lost to anyone except for themselves then it must've been really hard for them to believe that they would lose to anyone outside of just the two of them. 

Kazuto: I agree. They would only lose to each other, or they would lose individually. But as a duo, as Blank. It seemed inconceivable to them. 

Akira: Get a grip you two. Are you guys going to allow just one loss to get taken over your heads? 

Sora: You know the truth as much as we do. To think that Kiyotaka would be an artificial genius. He is no doubt a tough opponent for us, but he is beatable. But having to deal with six Kiyotakas. That's like dealing with a combined IQ of 1000+. And we don't have a 1000+ IQ. Even I know that's impossible. 

Kazuto: Six Kiyotakas?

Akira: He probably means the White Room students. I knew there was something strange about Ayanokouji, but I wasn't expecting this. No doubt that facing Ayanokouji is difficult but having to battle six that are almost similar to him is a tall order. 

Asuna: That is true. Not only that. Given how they operate. My guess is that they somehow know how we think and plan. Maybe even taking account of the numerous backup plans we had. I guess that's why they targeted Sora-kun and Shiro-san. Even Lelouch-kun himself did admit that they are a better strategist than him which is saying something. 

Sora: They had the audacity to kidnap our ass and get away with winning. I'm not going to forgive them! We never lose. I ain't losing to some bastards that are artificially made geniuses. Their win is a goddamn fluke. 

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