Chapter 219: Willing to Fight (Sports festival Day 2)

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3rd person POV

The 1st day of the sports festival concludes. 

Even though the 6th generation doesn't have much presence in the 1st day. 

Some of their teams picked up the win in some of the individual events through mostly their subordinates namely Utomiya, Hosen, and Ishigami. 

And though indirectly, Amasawa and Nanase managed to win some of the other group events for their respective teams which led to red team only winning the tennis event and two other single events. 

It was around the evening hours as Ayanokouji is checking the progress of Kazuto and Asuna as his training with them continues while at the same time reading up the next set of 10 events for the 2nd day. 

Along with that. 

Shiro (Masakatsu) was watching Kaguya train in the same field. 

Kaguya: *pant* *pant* I...don't think I can go further. 

Shiro: *Sigh* do you want to win? 

Kaguya: Huh?

Shiro: You should use that loss as a motivation for tomorrow and for the following days after. 

Kaguya: I want to win but...

Shiro: Listen, whatever doubts you have in your mind. Remove it at soon as possible. Doubting your potential will only lead to your defeat. 

Kaguya wants to continue but she still felt something heavy in her heart that she wanted to take out immediately. 

Kaguya: Shiro-kun can I tell you something? I want to keep this between us for now. 

Shiro had his brow up wanting to ask questions but went along with it. 

Shiro: Is there a good reason why you want to keep this between us and not tell Kiyotaka-kun and the others?

Kaguya: That's right. 

Shiro was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke after.

Shiro: Sure.

He then stood up and shouted at Ayanokouji's direction. 

Shiro: Kiyotaka-kun! we're just going to take a short break!

Ayanokouji: No problem!

He spoke back as Shiro and Kaguya went on their way. 




On the rooftop

Shiro POV

Kaguya seemed disappointed in herself after taking that loss to Chisaka. 

Luckily this is the only 6th generation presence we've seen in the sports festival. 

Wouldn't be a surprise that they haven't brought out their strongest just yet. 

Even Haru-kun hasn't shown up. 

Then again, his goal is to deal with the 6th generation over anything else. 

He's also after me as well if I ever start competing. 

"What is it that you want to talk about Kaguya-san?" I asked her. 

"Well, you see I...kinda got myself into a tough spot that I wouldn't be able to back out from." she replied sheepishly. 

"Did you make some kind of bet or something?"

"Huh?!" with that surprise look from her. 

I might've landed right on the money. 

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