Chapter 172: Beyond Apathy

441 19 9

3 years ago

3rd person POV

???: You're really going to transfer to another school Onii-chan? 

Hachiman: Well, I was recommended it and apparently sensei told me it's a nice place and might actually help me a little more at least that's what she said. 

???: Ohh but that school you're going to. You're not going to be home for the next 3 years. 

Hachiman: *sigh* I suppose that's the reality of it but that's what the school is. It's surprisingly strict. 

???: Ohh...I see. 

Hachiman: Listen, it's only going to be 3 years. What's the worst that could happen?

???: You don't need to go.

Hachiman: Hmm?

???: What about mom and dad?

Hachiman: I already told them. They said that they're proud of me or whatever that I ended up transferring to one of the most prestigious schools in Japan. Something along those lines. 

???: Wouldn't Yukino-san and the others be sad if you leave? 

Hachiman: They said I'm going to be fine. They knew it was an opportunity for me or whatever.

???: Then take this. 

Hachiman: Huh?

Hachiman grabbed the object that was in her hand. 

Hachiman: What is this? 

???: A lucky coin. I found it in the streets. 

Hachiman: You know you shouldn't be grabbing coins in the street. Planning to get germs or something?

???: Don't talk like that Onii-chan. Anyway, think of it as a good luck charm. I know it's not much but when I heard the news, I just had to give you something for good luck and to remind you of home. 

Hachiman inspected the coin.

Hachiman: 5 yen huh?

???: It's the luckiest coin from what I've heard so please don't lose it okay? 

Hachiman: Alright. I won't lose it. Thanks, I guess, Komachi.

Komachi: Then you should be ready soon Onii-chan. 





Hachiman POV

With my baton on my left hand and my gun on my right. 

I'm going make sure that I won't lose. 

That no one gets in my way. 

I'll crush anyone that stands in my way. 

"I'm giving you a chance senpai. Leave the checkpoint peacefully and we wouldn't consider shooting any of you. Actually, it wouldn't matter if you comply or not. You'll all get shot anyway." this guy, I've seen him before.

"You're from Class 2-B, right? Utomiya Riku." I said as I pointed my gun at him. 

"And you're Hikigaya Hachiman from Class 3-C. You're not much of a threat physically so why resist?" he asked.

"Why not? you already pissed me off. So, you should be the one that leaves."

"Fine, be that way. We're taking down whether you like it or not." is he an idiot?

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