Chapter 280: Haru Daigo vs Kenji Masaki/Shiro Masakatsu vs Miya Hamasaki

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Haru POV

"So, this is the 2nd ranked student of the 6th generation." I said as I stared at the tall motherfucker. 

"Yes, it's about time that we finally battle each other. I've waited a long time to test this incredible strength of yours Daigo-dono."

"-dono? You have quite the high praise for me. Am I that revered?" 

"Among us 6th generation students. Yes. Though you aren't as powerful as the Masterpiece. Your abilities are still to be respected and feared. Though the latter wouldn't be the case because I don't fear the Devil himself." Kenji said.

"You don't fear the Devil huh?"

"You're nothing compared to what Yamato-dono is capable of." he said with confidence.

"I have yet to fully assess Yamato's skills myself four-eyes. But I would definitely enjoy assessing yours." I said with a grin on my face. 

"Then I hope you know what's coming." 




Shiro POV

"I'm not above hitting girls you know." I spoke.

"Is that right? Why would you dare hurt an innocent and beautiful girl like me?" Miya said with an innocent like tone. 

"You're not gonna manipulate me with cheap acting like that." 

"Cheap? that's funny given that I personally was the one who manipulated the entirety of the 1st years all by myself." 


"You didn't know? I'm not pretending to be innocent just for the heck of it. My natural looks and sweet voice are enough to sway any boy to my side as well as the girls who admire me and see me as their savior to equally give them a chance to live a better school life." she said.

"That I can understand. Your looks are enough to manipulate others but the better school life part I have to disagree. In fact, I heard that the 1st years are giving all of their points away to you guys for the sole purpose of having the resources you need to deal with us."

"You're right. The last part was a lie. We conditioned every class in the 1st year that if they don't work for us, then they won't get paid points." Miya explained.

"Money after all makes the world go round. Private points are nothing new. There are just too many sheep that flock to such a simple yet a powerful idea of currency." she added.

"For someone who looks innocent, you're a cruel woman." 

"Why thank you." 

3rd person POV

Haru and Shiro are now confronted by the top students of the 6th generation. 

They both prepared for the inevitable fight.

Track and field area

Kenji: Let's settle this, Devil.

Haru: You're dead to me.

Haru throws the first offense with a high kick. 

But given Kenji's tall frame plus his quick reflexes.

He blocks it with no issues.

Haru: Not too bad.

Kenji: That's just the beginning.

Kenji tries landing a powerful straight jab to Haru but like Kenji before. 

Haru's reflexes are as inhuman as before catching the punch before it even hits. 

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