Chapter 196: The point of no return

362 16 2

6th day

1:14 AM

3rd person POV

Chabashira, Hoshinomiya, Mashima, Sakagami and Shigeru are all in the bar as they discussed what happened in the island exam. 

Mashima: What should we even do? Do you all even realize that this will destroy the school if those children continue to harm the students? 

Sakagami: I agree. They're treating this entire school like a battlefield. 

Hoshinomiya: Yeah, why can't we just expel them? 

Shigeru: You should all know by now that it is impossible. Because Shinji has their protection. 

Sakagami: Protection?! what is this nonsense? Kaito-san!

Shigeru: It's in his contract. As long as he's working in this school, we cannot expel any one of those six students. 

Mashima: That's ridiculous! What contract? How come you're the only one who knows it!? 

Chabashira: Because he's the only one who knows who Shiba-sensei comes from. 

Mashima: Huh?! What do you mean? 

Hoshinomiya: Kaito-kun, what's going on?

She then chugged in her beer as Shigeru responds. 

Shigeru: You all remember the former director, right? 

Mashima: You mean Tsukishiro? 

Shigeru: Yes, Shinji is doing his dirty work. Though unlike Tsukishiro in his place as director, Shinji is just merely a teacher for the 1st years. He made the Chairman sign that very contract during their arrangement. I've overheard Shinji saying that only the students can get rid of him, and the faculty cannot touch them. He also said that if and only if Shinji leaves the school, then expelling those six is now possible. 

Sakagami: What an absurd contract! 

Chabashira: Kaito. How much do you really know? It seems like you're very aware of who they are. 

Mashima: Who are you really? It's quite strange that when Class S was established, you suddenly came along without a warning and your class instantly got better.

Shigeru: Maybe I'm just a better teacher, or because the children I teach have extraordinary capabilities and potential that can be utilized to its fullest. Heck, they could teach themselves if they wanted to. 

Hoshinomiya: But your class lost remember? 

Shigeru: True but they didn't lose to any of your classes. 

Hoshinomiya pouts when Shigeru made a logical answer. 

???: Looks like you five are having fun. 

The teachers heard the voice as Shinji joins in. 

Mashima: You...

Shinji: Why the serious faces everyone? We should be having fun. We are all in vacation after all. 

The teachers just stared at him. 

Shinji: *Sigh* Well I suppose not everyone is pleased. Shigeru-san, mind if I sit next to you? 

Shigeru: Do what you want.

Shinji then quietly but enthusiastically sat with the White Room instructor. 

Shigeru was silent and focused on his drink while the other teachers glared at Shinji.

Mashima: Shiba-san. What are you after?

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