Chapter 228: Resurgence

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3:59 AM

Ayanokouji POV

*Knock* *knock*

I slowly opened my eyes as the first thing I heard were soft knocks coming from the other side of the door. 

What time is it? 

I looked at my phone to check the time and it was almost 4 AM. 

Who's knocking at the door this early in the morning?

I got out of bed.

I looked at my left and Tatsuya is still a sleep.

I was hoping for him to answer but oh well. 

I got up and walked towards the door.

As I opened the door.

I was greeted by someone unexpected.

"Ohh, good morning, Ayanokouji-san." it was Tatsuya's sister.

Shiba Miyuki.

"Morning." I greeted back.

"Onii-sama is still asleep?" she asked as she looked passed me.

"He is." 

"Is it okay if I talk to you for a bit?" she asked.

"Sure." I replied.




We made it to a cafe in the building. 

Which overlooks the city below through those windows. 

Interestingly though. 

There was already an employee working by the counter.

Of course, this grants me the opportunity to order some coffee.

Miyuki as well ordered her own. 

We then sat next to the windows in which we can gaze upon the city below. 

This is my first time being in a high-rise building like this.

You can see almost the entirety of the cityscape from here.

It's a breathtaking sight. 

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji: So, what do you want to talk about Miyuki?

Miyuki: Well, it's a bit of a complicated situation I've been dealing for months. 

Ayanokouji: And what would that be?

Miyuki: It's about Onii-sama. I don't get what's happening to him. He almost looked depressed. It's as if his stoic aura became something of uneasiness. I still don't know what it is.

Ayanokouji: I heard that you spoke with Shigeru-sensei about it. 

Miyuki: You know?

Ayanokouji: Your brother told me. I thought it was odd that you're meeting with him for some time now. Which obviously got me curious. Are you worried about his mental state?

Miyuki: Yeah...I am, and I don't know how to cheer him up. 

Ayanokouji: Sorry but I don't think I can help you on that. 

Miyuki: Why not?

Ayanokouji: I'm no psychologist but I'm sure sensei already spoken about it to you that he himself is a psychologist. So, why ask for my help? 

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