Chapter 237: Redemption from Darkness

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3rd person POV

10:58 PM

Ayanokouji and Shiro (Masakatsu) arrived at Haru's hotel room. 

Kiyo was the one to knock on the door. 

There was no response for about 5 seconds before the door opens. 

Haru: 2 minutes early? 

Ayanokouji: Let's get this over with. 

Haru: *Sigh* well at least you arrived.

Ayanokouji: I also invited someone else to join us later. She should arrive here in about 2 minutes. 

Haru: She?

Shiro: You'll know soon enough. 

As they went inside his room, they also noticed someone else. 

???: Senpai!!!

It was Amasawa and even Nanase is also here. 

Ayanokouji: What are they doing here? 

Haru: I invited them as well. 

Ayanokouji: I see. Understandable since we know what we should do now. 

Haru: I guess I'll keep the plan short and sweet then. Let me ask you Kiyotaka.

Ayanokouji was listening. 

Haru: Do you have an ample feeling of pain when you heard the news? 

He just stared at Haru with that same blank expression he's had for a long time. 

Haru: Hehe! I suppose that even as you matured to having friends. You don't see Yuki as a friend, don't you? Even you know it too, Shiro?

Shiro just gave Haru a stern look. 

Haru: It's true though, that Kaito-sensei only brought you two in so that you can sacrifice yourselves to Kiyotaka. That's all there is too it, isn't it?

Shiro: I don't want to hear it from you. 

Haru: So, I'm right, aren't I?

Shiro: I know you're spitting lies on us. Kaito-sensei is not someone who would do that. 

Haru: I suppose so. 

Amasawa: So, where is this Shizuku-senpai anyway? Let's just get this over with.

Suddenly though, there was knocking on the door. 

Haru: (She's early)

Nanase: It's open!

The door opened to reveal Yuki. 

Haru: You finally made it drop out. 

Yuki: Haru-kun...

Ayanokouji: Enough.

Haru: Hmm?

Ayanokouji: The plan.

Haru: Ohhh right! But before that, I have a favor to ask of you. 

Ayanokouji: What is it?

Haru: You see, I have no business in helping with certain problems but...I want you to fix a certain girl for me. 

Ayanokouji: Who are you referring to?

Haru was silent for 2 seconds before replying. 

Haru: Horikita.

Ayanokouji: Why should I help her? 

Haru: I'll tell you this in advance so that you can understand my reason. My time in this school is short. I have no interest in continuing to stay here. 

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