Chapter 170: Only the strongest can live

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3rd person POV

Shinryuu: So, we're bringing all the stuff now, eh? 

Kenji: That's right and we'll do the rest. 

Miya: Our priority is Ayanokouji-senpai and Daigo-senpai but in case Class S gets involved. We already have data on every one of them. But I suggest we go after those guys first. 

Yamato: First we have to take down their strategists. Especially those three. Shiba Tatsuya, and the siblings Sora and Shiro. Nicknamed: Blank. 

Shinryuu: Yeah, those guys are a pain already. From what we gathered those three have the highest IQ's out of everyone in Class S even far surpassing Ayanokouji-senpai.

Kenji: That's true however those two in particular Sora and Shiro are not as physically strong as us. 

Hanako: The big issue is how do we outsmart two people with the highest IQ imaginable. 

Kenji: We don't need to. In fact, since we know they can't physically fight back against us. They won't easily defend the checkpoints that they could secure. Even if they have people like say Akabane-senpai or Kururugi-senpai. They won't be able to deal with the other factors we have planned. 

Hideki: And what about Tatsuya-senpai?

Yamato: He has both intelligence and physical capabilities. That's not something we can handle so easily so the only option for him is to target his sister. 

Hideki: Miyuki-senpai huh? her beauty is like a piece of art. She's also quite smart as well. Her physical capabilities however are definitely subpar which means taking her hostage will be easy and it will keep Tatsuya-senpai occupied and given how big the island is. He'll have a tough time even getting to her so easily when she's in our hands. 

Kenji: Exactly, their pretty much the major threats we need to weed out. 

Miya: What about Kururugi-senpai? his training is from the military, it might not be much, but military training is at least on par with the training from the White Room in terms of battle prowess. He'll likely be stronger one on one. 

Kenji: I'll take him on. 

Shinryuu: You sure bookworm?

Kenji: He's strong not smart. There is a difference. Give me a few days and then I can further provide progress to our plans. 

Yamato: Good, those two Tatsuya-senpai and Kururugi-senpai are theoretically stronger than Ayanokouji-senpai given their background of how they fight is quite different from the White Room's, but it doesn't mean they're not impossible to beat. 

Hanako: And the rest?

Yamato: They won't survive, at least by around the last two days of the exam. We would exhaust all of their chances to win. One by one, they will crumble. Their loss, inevitable. 

Miya: What about Daigo-senpai?

Yamato: His class is nothing too special. Plus, he's the only one worth watching out for. 

Miya: And Amasawa-chan?

Yamato: Not our concern but she might get in our way soon enough. If that ever comes to pass, show no mercy. 

Shinryuu: No probs boss.

Yamato: And don't hesitate to go all out. 




Ayanokouji POV

All the classes have been sent on separate parts of the island. 

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