Chapter 225: Another Trip

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A week later

3rd person POV

It was now Tuesday. 

Everyone in Class S has arrived in the classroom followed by Shigeru-sensei who arrived on time. 

Shigeru: Good morning class. I will now announce yesterday's results of the written exam. 

Sensei announces the results of the exam and no surprise.

Everyone passed as expected. 

Shigeru: Your results are as expected. Well done. Now let us proceed with the discussion of the next special exam. 

Everyone prepared themselves. 

Shigeru: For this will all be taking a trip. 

Silence befell in the classroom until...

Almost everyone: Ehh?!!!

Nagisa: A trip? You mean like a school trip?

Shigeru: Correct. 

Karma: Hold on just a second. Will it be like the one in Hokkaido? Or something else?

Shigeru: It will be different. Because this entire trip will be the special exam. 

Asuna: So, where are we going sensei? 

Shigeru: Osaka.

Yumeko: Osaka?

Shigeru: That's right. 

Ayanokouji: (I don't think I've ever been to Osaka before, but it will be interesting.) 

Shigeru: It may be a school trip, but it will also serve as your special exam. But once the exam is over, you are allowed to do some sightseeing after. 

Kazuto: Well, that's good to know. At least we can take a break after. 

Shigeru: I shall now explain a few details about the special exam. There will be a school trip in which our destination will be in Osaka. This entire trip will last for a week just like in Hokkaido however since it is a special exam. You will need to prepare but further explanations will take place in Osaka itself. Don't worry though because the exam will only last a day and your scheduled time will be determined by us the faculty. And also, you will battle the other classes from your own year level all the way to the 1st years. 

Oreki: Basically, we'll be up against the kouhais again. 

Shigeru: Yes. As for the written exam. It was as you would expect a simple test to see if you managed to maintain the level you are at. Because in this exam, your class will be grouped with the higher classes of each year level. Which means Class S will be grouped with all of the Class A's of each year level. 

Almost everyone: Say what!!?? 

Shigeru: Normally it would only be three classes in one group but since Class S exists. You will have to be grouped with the other Class A's in this exam. 

Kei: Well, this means...

Sora: We're grouping with Daigo's class and along with the top dogs of the 6th generation. 

Shiro (Masakatsu): So, it's not just the top 2 of the 6th generation but also Haru-kun? This will be tougher than I thought. 

Shigeru: Other classes are grouped in the same way. All Class B's in each year level will be battling each other, same with Class C and D. Again, further details on the exam will be explained on the trip itself. Don't worry, you will be given a few weeks before the trip which will take place on November so as much as possible prepare what you need to bring for the trip. 

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