Chapter 256: I came, I saw, I conquer

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"I could believe in hell, but it was impossible for me to believe in the existence of heaven."

- Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji, Shiro, and Haru arrive back at their group. 

Karma: Hey, took you guys long enough. 

As they made it back. 

Kaito-sensei begins to speak once more. 

Shigeru: Alright, let's begin. You are all wondering what these spots are as well as where your base is situated. Let's start with the base. 

He then points at the building. 

Everyone looked as they all realized. 

Yukino: The school building is our base?! 

Shigeru: Yes, but more specifically a single area will be your base rather than the entire building itself because some parts of the building have spots that can be conquered. 

Nagisa: Wouldn't that mean we have to also battle inside the building itself? 

Sakagami: Yes, and because of the limited space there. If you are the attacker and the spots are in one of the classrooms. Physical events cannot occur. 

Nakamura: Wait a minute sensei, I thought we can choose from either physical or mental events of our own free will? 

Sakagami: Yes, but in places that are too cramped for said events. You must settle for a mental event instead. We've already sent you emails for the specific places where you can't do physical events. 

Everyone looked at their phones.

Ayanokouji: (I see, so this means there are some places where you can't challenge for a physical event. This further deepens the possibilities of other strategies. This is something to note if you're someone who is not physically capable. This building for example. There's not much room to work with for physical events. Same with some parts of Keyaki Mall, the Dormitory buildings, and mostly places that don't have too much room for physical events. Sora, Shiro (Blank), Lelouch, and Houtarou are prime examples of people who can do well in those situations. But of course, the problem is the fact that how far can they reach those places? Given the no holds barred nature of the exam. Someone from the 6th generation or those like Hosen are going to greatly hinder them.)

Shigeru: Now moving back to the base discussion. Your actual base is Class S's classroom. 

Everyone: What!!??

Asuna: Our classroom?!

Shigeru: Yes. That will serve as your final bastion. Your base. If you lose to an attack while in that classroom. Then it's game over. 

Katsuragi: Which means that since it's in the classroom, we won't have enough room for physical events. We need to rely on mental events. 

Yukiko: Ohh yeah, I never asked. How would these events work exactly? I don't think it was explained. 

Hoshinomiya: It's simple, when the attacker makes up an event. They can make the rules of how the event works and it can be any kind of event you want. It can be a question-and-answer type event or a game, anything that you can think of. But like what was mentioned before, you cannot do physical events in certain areas. 

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