Chapter 240: The Dust Settles (Osaka Trip arc aftermath)

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3rd person POV

Shiba Miyuki was running past the entrance all the way inside of the castle grounds. 

As she looked around frantically for her brother. 

Miyuki finally made it to where Osaka Castle resides.

She ran as fast as she could to find Tatsuya.

She managed to find him, but she was in shock as she saw an unmoving Tatsuya as Kenji stood over him. 

Miyuki: Onii-sama!!!!!!

Kenji: Ohhh? Look who finally arrived. 

Miyuki: What did you do to him!??!

Kenji: I was about to kill him. He's lost quite a lot of blood. But...

He slowly dislodged the knife from Tatsuya's gut. 

Kenji: He's still breathing. Don't worry Miyuki-senpai. You will be next if that's what you want. 

Miyuki was now shaking and slowly started to tear up a bit in her eyes. 

Kenji: Save the mourning for later. It's not yet his funeral.

He readied his knife as he was about to end Tatsuya's life. 

But suddenly.

Miyuki was on top of Tatsuya, shielding his vulnerable body. 

Miyuki: No!! I won't let you kill him! I can't let him die! I won't let you lay a finger on him any further!! 

Kenji: He knew what he was getting himself into. Your brother now has to pay the price for his foolishness. 

Miyuki: I won't let you!

Kenji without hesitation kicks Miyuki in the gut forcing her to roll on the ground.

He then violently stabs Miyuki's shoulder the moment she was lying on her stomach. 

Miyuki: Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Kenji removes the knife viciously from her shoulder as he turns his attention to Tatsuya. 

Kenji: Now, where were we? 

Just before Kenji plans to stab Tatsuya once more. 

He then felt like someone was rushing towards him. 

Immediately he turned around as he quickly blocked an oncoming kick from none other than soldier himself.

Kururugi Suzaku.

Kenji: Another of the special threats?

Suzaku: Killing someone that's already defenseless? Unforgivable. 

Kenji immediately jumps backwards to distance himself. 

Kenji: How annoying. (Now I know how Hanako feels when she can't get her kill.) 

Just then, Ayanokouji, Kazuto, Asuna, and Hayasaka made it. 

Kenji: Ayanokouji-dono! I was hoping you would arrive. But it's already too late. 

As the group made it. 

Out of the four.

The three were shocked to see the Shiba siblings in a bloody mess except for Ayanokouji.

Kenji: It seems you also brought backup. 

Ayanokouji then steps forward towards the fallen siblings. 

Suzaku: Kiyotaka...

He inspects the both of them as he checks their pulse.

Ayanokouji: Miyuki is okay, the same with Tatsuya but his wounds are quite deep. 

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