Chapter 213: Regrets

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Haru POV

Ahh yes.

Do you hear it no? 

The sound of my violin in this wonderful night. 

I played Moonlight Sonata by none other than the legend himself, Beethoven. 

I always play the violin in my spare time whenever I'm in the right mood. 

"Daigo-sama" Tadashi spoke as I continued to play my violin. 

"What is it?" 

"Should we just sit on the sidelines like this? You know that secret will spread among our classmates soon, but it's likely that it already did." he said.

"Not true my dear Tadashi. Even if the rat told my class, they would still be fearful to speak of it. Plus, I doubt that Horikita or anyone would believe it that quickly." 

"Are you sure?" 

"I made sure they have no reason to believe it."

"And how did you do that?" he asked.

"Simple manipulation. The beauty of having these numbskulls as my classmates is that they're afraid of me. That no matter what they say or hear from others. One slip up, and they will suffer the consequences."

"So, you're really not planning to stop this rat?" 

"I already know who it is Tadashi. I just chose to not get involved since that rat made a short-term deal with me." I replied.

"Huh!? Don't tell me-"

"I emphasized the words "short-term.". That rat guaranteed that my name was not mentioned in those rumors. After all, it's only targeted towards Kiyotaka." 

"I see. Though wouldn't that alarm you just a little bit?" 

"No, because as we speak. Kiyotaka already knows who the rat is. He's merely pretending to be a puppet in their little show." I said.

"How do you know?" 

"The envelope."


"Correct. Those 6th generation fools believe they're playing with Class S, in reality, they're playing themselves into Kiyotaka's hands and they don't even realize it." my performance on the violin becomes intense. 

"You mean..."

"Kiyotaka already has a plan from the start the moment those rumors occurred which is why I didn't interfere. But he's not alone in this." 


"Tell me...why do you think the king isn't allowed to be captured in Chess?" I asked.

"Why you ask?"

"Yes, because no matter how strong the piece is such as the queen for example. They can't kill the king. The only option is to corner the king. But that king I speak of, will never be cornered."

"Because slowly under the radar. The Rooks will be the ones to finish them of."

My performance begins to reach its climax. 

"Daigo-sama, who is the rat? I never really caught on the name." 

"Hahahaha, the answer is obvious..."


A grin grew as the beautiful melody of my violin is heard across my room as the moonlight shines upon me. 

"It won't be who they expect."

My performance ends with nothing but grace. 

"The climax of this game is on the horizon."

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