Chapter 226: Happy Birthday

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7:32 AM

Kurumi POV

"We should prepare for tomorrow." I said.

"You seem a little too excited for this." Oreki-san retorted. 

"I don't blame her for doing this. It is her boyfriend after all." Lelouch-san spoke as well. 

"I think it's sweet that she's doing this." Yumeko-san commented. 

"Guys, are we going to discuss about this or what?" Hayasaka-san then spoke up trying to get everyone to be quiet. 

"May I ask a question?" Suzaku-san asked. 

"Go ahead."

"Why do we need to fit almost the entire class in your room Tokisaki-san?"

Now that I think about it. 

I think it does seem pretty cramped. 

I had everyone meet me in my room. 

Karma-san, Shiota-san, Lelouch-san, Kururugi-san, Miyuki-san (Shiba), Shirogane-san, Kaguya-san, Yumeko-san, Hayasaka-san,Kazuto-san, Asuna-san, Light-san, Kei-san, Katagiri-san, Mikasa-san, Oreki-san and Kyoko-san are all here discussing about that special day tomorrow. 

3rd person POV

Tenji: Seriously how do you fit this many people into a single room?

Kyoko: Well, it is slightly roomier in hindsight. 

Asuna: By the way, what about the others? Aren't they going to meet with us?

Kei: What are you crazy, woman!? We barely have enough space as it is!! 

Yuuichi: Give it a rest Kei. 

Light: It is a bit claustrophobic. 

Yumeko: Do you have claustrophobia Light-san? 

Light: I don't.

Oreki: Seriously can we hurry up? I'm not too fond with enclosed spaces. 

Miyuki (Shiba): Guys let's try to be quiet at least?

Nagisa: When you have Kei-san and Karma here. I doubt it would be quiet. 

Karma: What are you talking about? I said that I'd be on my best behavior. 

Kei: Yeah right, you are raving about this early in the morning because it involves free cake. 

Karma: Hey! you're the same! You wanted the free cake too! 

Hayasaka: Enough!!

Both the Genius and the Assassin immediately shuts up. 

Hayasaka: Ahem! We need to get this plan going for tomorrow. Sora-kun, Shiro-san (Blank), Tatsuya-kun, Akise-kun are currently keeping Kiyotaka-kun busy while Akira-kun, Shiro-kun (Masakatsu), Ichinose-san, and Sakuta-kun are buying the gifts and all the other stuff. 

Karma: Hold the phone, they're buying the gifts? 

Kurumi: Yes, but don't worry Hayasaka-san and I made a list for them. 

Meanwhile at Keyaki mall

Sakuta was holding the longest list imaginable. 

Sakuta: Why did this list have to be so long? 

Shiro (Masakatsu): Who knows.

Akira: You sound like a certain someone there Masakatsu. 

Ichinose: Hey, as long as we're doing this for Ayanokouji-kun then it's fine by me. 

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