Chapter 193: No Mercy

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3rd person POV

Kazami Yuuji is currently relaxing in one of the private pools he rented. 

Kazami: *Sigh* guess my targets are tougher than I thought. L's right. They aren't ordinary children. (Despite preventing Ayanokouji's expulsion. The 6th generation is still at large. I don't know what they're planning next but once L gives me another order. I make my move.) 

Ayanokouji: You're looking pretty cozy. 

Kazami: Hmm?

He looked behind him as right in front of him was Ayanokouji himself. 

Ayanokouji: I need to talk to you. 

Kazami: What is it? Are you here to pay me? 

Ayanokouji: I don't recall Ryuzaki telling me to pay you. 

Kazami: I'm merely joking. I do prefer real money rather than points, but I don't do my job for money. 

Ayanokouji: I can actually pay you with real money. 

Kazami: Seriously? 

Ayanokouji: My family has quite the fortune. If you ask nicely of course, I'll personally pay you. 

Kazami: Don't worry, Ryuzaki already sent me my paycheck to my bank account. 

Ayanokouji: I see. This means he has full confidence in you. 

Kazami: I am working with the son of a despicable man and my job is to deal with despicable people. You're definitely much stronger than them and yet...

Ayanokouji: What?

Kazami: It's just what L predicted. Those six students are giving you more trouble than anyone in this school. 

Ayanokouji: I suppose that's true. If they have gone through the same curriculum as the 4th generation then they are more of an issue than I anticipated. Also, you must be extremely aware about the White Room if you are aligned with L. 

Kazami: He's given me a brief explanation. Though he hasn't told me everything. 

Ayanokouji: (Wouldn't be surprising if Ryuzaki still hides more secrets. Ryuzaki isn't his real name. The name "L" could also be an alias. He might still be keeping his real name a secret to me and the others. Which is why he was so willing to reveal his identity so easily. I don't know why I sweat the small stuff. The 6th generation are my concern right now.) 

Kazami: So, what do you want from me? You're not just here to say hello. 

Ayanokouji: Yes, I'm getting to that now. I just made an alliance with Class D. 

Kazami: An alliance?

Ayanokouji: Hiyori allowed it but her alone can't convince the entire class to work with her.

Kazami: What do you mean? 

Ayanokouji: It's a long story and I'm not interested in telling you the full details. I'll give you the short version. Your class has a history of mistrust among themselves especially since they were once controlled by a Class A student named Daigo Haru and Ryuen's betrayal. Causing a mistrust among them. I've also been told that some of your classmates might consider dropping out or transferring to a different class. You're going to lose a lot of people if you don't help rally them. 

Kazami: My contract does not say that I should help the class. I'm only told to deal with Atsuomi's prodigies who are trying to expel you. 

Ayanokouji: You can't battle any class on your own. That is not possible. You trust Hiyori, right? 

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