Chapter 247: Yumeko Jabami vs Tadashi Chikao/Haru Daigo vs Byakuya Togami

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3rd person POV

Yumeko: So, what game are we playing? 

Tadashi: I'm glad you asked. Hashimoto,

Hashimoto: Gotcha!

Hashimoto then started laying out two plastic cups with two different colors. 

Red and Blue. 

Along with ten dice. 

Yumeko was very curious of what this set up could be. 

Tadashi: Let's play...Liar's dice.

Yumeko: Liar's dice? 

Tadashi: That's right. 

Akira: So, how does it work? 

Tadashi: I'll explain the rules now. 




Tadashi: This game can be played with 2 or more players but for this one, it will be two. First is the set up. You will need 5 dice and 1 cup for each player. We both keep the 5 dice hidden in our own cups. Second the mechanics, we both roll the dice in our cups and lay it down on the table simultaneously. We both then look at our dice underneath the cup to check the number that the dice have landed on faceup while keeping it hidden from the other player. The first player will state a bid on what number that the dice have rolled faceup among our cups. From 1-6 and also the number of dice that has the number that you bid on. For example, if I bid 2 faces and then chose two dice (2 2's). That is my starting bid. Then the second player bids next and states their number. Say 6 faces and 4 dice (6 4's). The bids can be either the same as your opponent's or higher. That depends on either of us. Understood?

Yumeko: Yes

Tadashi: Good. After making our bids, one of us can challenge the other player. Meaning you don't believe in their guess or bid. Thus, by doing so, we show remove to cups to reveal the result. If the one of us guesses correctly or if the dice faces are higher than the guess. That one that challenges the bid losses. However, if the guess is lower than the guess. Then the challenger wins. 

Akira: I see, to keep it simple. If the opponent challenges the other player's guess if they think it's wrong, then once the dice are revealed and if the guesser is correct or if the dice faces are higher than the guesser's original guess, then the guesser wins. But in comparison to if the dice faces are fewer than the guesser's original guess then the challenger wins. 

Tadashi: Exactly! Another thing to note is that if the loser must remove one die that they have for the next round. The winner is declared if one of us still have some dice left while the other has none. The person with no dice left is the loser. 

Shiro: (Judging from the game itself. It's basically a bluffing game of sorts. One person needs to guess the right number of dice faces along with the quantity of dice that has that correct dice face. You can force your opponent to second guess based on the bids as well as forcing one of them to make a challenge to see if they are lying. Lying...hold on a second. Why would Chikao make a game revolving around lying? I get that the name of the game is Liar's Dice, but Yumeko is someone capable of seeing through lies according to Kiyotaka-kun. Why pick a game that favors her a lot? It just doesn't make any sense.) 

Yumeko: Question, what happens if we both only have one die left for each of us?

Tadashi: Then we bid on the sum of the dice faces rather than the number of dice available since there are only two. If the guesser got the sum correctly or it is higher, the guesser wins. If the sum is lower, the challenger wins. It is a matter of which one challenges first. Either one of us has to know which one is the liar here. 

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