Chapter 216: The Tides have turned

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3rd person POV

Inside Hideki's dorm. 

Yamato is the one that's on the computer with the headset on along with his phone with Kenji standing behind him. 

Kenji: This is quite the unexpected turn of events. 

Yamato: Utomiya, how is the situation inside the auditorium? 

Around the same time as Kazami and Yuki distracting the kouhais.

Utomiya was looking through the open door examining the fight. 

Utomiya: It's definitely not good. They're keeping them occupied. 

Yamato: How unfortunate. (Didn't think that these anomalies would come into play again. We still don't have any info on these people. However, we are still on schedule.)

Yamato: Utomiya. Ensure that the storehouse is well guarded. If Class S or any suspicious individuals show up. Don't hesitate to kick them out. Except for Ayanokouji-senpai of course. Let him inside the storehouse. 

Utomiya: Understood.




Back inside the storehouse.

Hayasaka is still trying to struggle her way out as Shinryuu could only do but watch her futile attempts of escape. 

Shinryuu: It's hopeless Ai-chan. This is the only way to ensure that you can have a bright future in the end. 

Hayasaka: What bright future? do you even know what you guys did? 

Shinryuu: Of course, we know. But this is just a job you know. It's nothing personal when it comes to Ayanokouji-senpai. In your case though, I'll mercilessly destroy the Shinomiyas for good. Once Ayanokouji-senpai drops out. It will be all over. 

Hayasaka: You don't...need to do this!

Suddenly Hayasaka got kicked in the gut, sending her rolling on the ground as she started coughing. 

Hideki: She really needs to learn how to be quiet. 

Shinryuu: What are you doing? listen she's under my captivity. 

Hideki: True that you did kidnap her for ransom, but she is getting on my nerves a little. 

Shinryuu: I promised her that I wouldn't hurt her. 

Hideki: You wouldn't but you didn't say about the rest of us. 

Shinryuu: She is my problem. Just wait by the door for Ayanokouji-senpai. I'll keep an eye on her. 

Hideki: Fine, well you are technically stronger than me, so I have no choice but to listen to you. 

Shinryuu: Good, at least you know your place Vincent van Gogh. 

Hideki: Whatever. 

Hideki left to guard the front door as Shinryuu and Hayasaka are all alone once again. 

Shinryuu then walked towards Hayasaka who was in a bit of pain from that kick. 

Shinryuu: I'm sorry about my friend Ai-chan. Now you know why I wouldn't want you to be alone with those guys. 

Hayasaka: *Cough* you're surprisingly caring for someone who comes from a horrible place. 

Shinryuu: Not all White Room students are the same. I'm not as manipulative as say Miya-chan or Kenji-kun or as bloodthirsty as Hanako-chan. I may like to screw around a bit but that's just who I am. 

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