Chapter 206: A Clash of Egos (Part 1)

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Before the exam

8:49 PM

3rd person POV

Shinryuu: So, what's the plan? 

Hideki: You're asking me?

Shinryuu: Hahaha! I'm just kidding I already know the plan. I don't think we should be worried. 

Hideki: Are you sure? Remember what Yamato-san said. 

Shinryuu: Yeah! yeah! Don't underestimate your enemies. I get it, no need to lecture me.

Hideki: Besides we should be at least weary about some of our opponents. 

Shinryuu: You're right. Besides, there are a few individuals that I want to see up close in personal. 

Hideki: Really? Care to make a list?

Shinryuu: Well, aside from Class S. Class A has some interesting people to deal with. 

Hideki: I do already have some of their info. But the ones we should watch out for are two people in particular. Chikao Tadashi and Koenji Rokusuke. 

Shinryuu: Chikao-senpai huh? We don't know much about his background, but we do know he's Daigo-senpai's accomplice and he's known among his peers to be a math expert. 

Hideki: Math? I'm not worried. To be honest it would've been nice if Ayanokouji-senpai or Daigo-senpai are our opponents. It's no wonder why I'm not feeling inspired to make even a single piece of art this week. 

Shinryuu: Whatever he's not a threat to us but we should definitely be careful. What about this Koenji guy?

Hideki: Apparently, he's from a wealthy and powerful family. Similar to the Shinomiya's. 

Shinryuu: Ohhh those Koenjis! I've heard of them though unlike most wealthy families. They're one of many that aren't interested in investing towards the White Room project. Which I find strange, then again, a lot of wealthy families have their own agendas and stuff. Not all of them would be willing to contribute to society. That's just how it is. 

Hideki: Let's not also forget that Koenji is quite the arrogant bastard. 

Shinryuu: Yeah, can't wait to wipe his sorry face by the time this exam is over. 

Hideki: Togami Byakuya is another one. He's also part of a wealthy family. 

Shinryuu: Sheesh this school really is full of rich people. I'm honestly not surprised since this school is reserved for the elite despite most of them being as useful as a rock. 

Hideki: Hah! that's a good one. All we know about Togami-senpai is that he's considered a prodigy and nothing much else to talk about. 

Shinryuu: Well, he's no threat to us as well. Being a prodigy isn't enough if they aren't born and raised like us. They'll never stand a chance. 

Hideki: Finally, we have someone named Kushida Kikyo who apparently Yagami-san was working with when he was in this school in his initial time here. 

Shinryuu: I see, speaking of Kushida.

The two then stopped in their tracks as they noticed three figures.

Tadashi, Byakuya, and Kushida. 

Shinryuu: Should we interrupt? 

Hideki: No need to take such action. Let's just watch from a distance. 

Both the 6th gen students watch as they overhear a conversation among the Class 3-A students. 

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