Chapter 286: A Lasting Impression (Part 2)

369 12 15

11:07 PM

3rd person POV

Late at night. 

Kaito-sensei despite not minding it for the past few weeks. 

Decides to send the note that he found in Shinji's desk. 

He took a picture of it and sent it to Ryuzaki along with a message. 




Somewhere in an undisclosed loaction. 

L along with Near are currently still looking for any signs of Atsuomi. 

Still, they haven't gotten even a sliver of clues. 

Of course, this begins to bring up sone theories among two. 

Near: What do you think Atsuomi could be doing in order to leave no trails or clues of his potential whereabouts?

L: My initial theory would be that his men could be one of the reasons but that still wouldn't explain the few gaps that are present. 

Near: Such as? 

L: Why wouldn't the other police say anything? even the government isn't taking action or at least give us any valuable info of sorts. Something is going on. It's like the evidence that's near us is deliberately being dealt with on the inside without us knowing. 

Near: Is that possible? 

L: Well, how about we ask a certain instructor?

As revealed. 

They are actually inside of an interrogation room with Suzukake, a White Room instructor who was sitting across them. 

Suzukake: Why am I still here?! Haven't I told you enough info!? 

Mello: Shut it punk! There are two things that I don't like. One: criminals. Two: people who whine and complain. How about we go back to doing our "daily sessions"? 

Suzukake was trembling knowing that he's been held here for almost a year after getting fired for unknown reasons. 

L: That's not necessary Mello. I brought him here because I want to ask him personally about a few things.

L then sat on a chair as he looks at Suzukake.

Suzukake: Why do you sit like that? 

L: I'm the one asking questions here, so you better comply with us Suzukake-san. 

Suzakake: I've said enough. What else do you want me to say!? 

L: Though I would like to get straight to the point. I want to ask this. Why were you suddenly fired from the White Room? A friend of mine, Shigeru Kaito told me that you are very loyal to Atsuomi and then suddenly you left without even a hint of reason. In fact, he even recorded his conversation with you. You called him by the time April came around last year. 

Suzukake: Shigeru...Kaito?! You're kidding.

L: I'm not. I want you to tell me behind your sudden firing. It wouldn't make sense for you to suddenly stop working for Atsuomi or suddenly getting fired by him unless you've done something to offend him. 

Suzukake: I didn't do anything. All I did was organize documents and nothing else. At least that's before the incident occurred. 

Near: An incident?

Mello: What kind of incident?

Suzukake: I...don't want to say. 

L: If you're afraid of someone like Tsukishiro coming after you then it would be impossible. You're safe behind these walls and we made sure that there is no tracking device on you just in case. I need to know. What is this incident?

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