Chapter 210: Rumors

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The school's storehouse

3rd person POV

Yamato: Rumors about someone being a human experiment? 

Hideki: Yes, that's what we've heard. 

Yamato: I'm guessing this has something to do with what you did before the werewolf exam. 

Hideki: It was Shinryuu's idea. 

Shinryuu: Hey, at least this will put some pressure on Ayanokouji-senpai it's just like you what you told me Yamato-kun. Our goal isn't to win that exam after all. 

Yamato: Well, whether or not our secrets get revealed, our little rat will do enough to hinder Ayanokouji-senpai and possibly expulsion for him in the process. 

Miya: Ohh I get it, you want to make sure he won't make it to the sports festival and that certain little snitch will spread these rumors until we begin the next phase of the plan. 

Kenji: Ayanokouji-dono and Class S will begin to make their investigations and then...crush them one-by-one before they could even make it to the sports festival. 

Hanako: Break them slowly until they until they drop out. I like it. 

Yamato: I'll be assigning some of you to your targets. Also, make sure you avoid any confrontation with the 4th generation.

Shinryuu: Yes, sir!!!

Kenji: We'll complete our objective and bring back Ayanokouji-dono as promised. 

Yamato: And if Ayanokouji-senpai does survive the ordeal. We've already wiped out a chunk of Class S's numbers by the time the event arrives. 

Yamato gave an evil smile as he looks over his comrades. 

Kenji: Let's get to work. 




The next day

11:30 AM

Yuki POV

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as Sakayanagi-san, Masumi-san, and I are walking around campus together to discuss about our plans for the sports festival. 

"Well, it will be interesting to see how we should approach this since our allies for this sports festival will be none other than Class S. Which means I get to work with Ayanokouji-kun." she said. 

"Yeah, it will be interesting." to be honest, I think it's been a while since I've witnessed Kiyotaka-kun do anything sports related. 

He's always been really good when it comes to stuff like this. 

Well, it's lucky that I decided to go to the gym again just to keep up with him.

Not only him but also Shiro-kun and Haru-kun. 

Despite our current situation. 

I'm just glad to see them again. 

"Say, Shizuku-san. Have you heard?" Sakayanagi-san spoke. 

"Heard what?" 

"Rumors, especially with regards to Ayanokouji-kun." 

"No, I haven't heard about it yet. I've heard people talking about a rumor, but I wasn't aware that it was about Kiyotaka-kun." 

"There's been some...recent developments when the Werewolf exam ended. It was only the day after where the rumors were being spread. First was among our grade level of course, and then from what Asano-kun gathered, the 2nd years are also slowly becoming aware of it." she explained. 

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