Chapter 199: Master Manipulators

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After class

Hachiman POV

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. 

So, I really do get to face you after all. 

Guess I don't have to climb to Class A to get to him now. 

It seems my luck really has changed. 

How perfect. 

Of course, now my only issue is the fact that Yukino is in my group. 

The one person that I couldn't bring myself to manipulate. 

But this is a chance of a lifetime in front of me. 

He's right there. 

His goddamn name is right in front of me. 

I can't lose focus now. 

Looking at the other names on this list. 

None of them I would consider a threat except from those of Class S. 

Oreki Houtarou huh? 

The first time I took a glance of him. 

He looks like any other loner like me. 

But from what I've learned throughout this school is to not judge a book by it's cover. 

The rest aren't in my league obviously, but he might be dangerous if I keep my eyes away from him. 

Hayasaka Ai. 

Her stats in the OAA app proves that she's quite smart herself and she has a background of being a maid to a wealthy family. 

Yes, she does seem like she comes from a privileged life. 

And then there's the traitor herself. 

I've waited long enough to personally punish you, Ichinose. 

You've joined the wrong side. 

Now, I have the satisfaction of beating you and Ayanokouji at the same time. 

Werewolf Game. 

I'm not pretty decent when it comes to communication...

But that was what the old me would say. 

Everyone here is a puppet that I can freely control. 

Maybe I can use Yukino to my advantage without her seeing my new self that will soon run wild. 

Depending on which role I have. 

I have ways to control this exam to my own liking. 

I can choose to sacrifice my own class in that group which will throw off a few of them but I know Ayanokouji will anticipate that. 

So, I'll try to throw things into disarray as much as possible. 

But how?

"Oi! Hikigaya." 

A certain former tyrant has arrived. 

"Ryuen. What do you want?" 

"It seems that luck really is on our side. Ishizaki and Albert are in the same group as me. It will make it easier to sabotage not only their own class, but this is where I finally get to wipe two people that are on the list of fools that I despise. Sakayanagi and Lelouch. I've been waiting to crush those two with my own two hands."

"Well, good for you." I spoke.

"Good luck with the monster. He won't be such an easy opponent for you." he said.

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