Chapter 202: Rivalries Forged (Part 2)

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Miya POV

I could remember it like it was yesterday. 

I was in the hospital.

Noticed both my parents and the man I whom owe my education and my new life to. 

That's where it all started. 

It was still fuzzy at the time, but I could remember that man telling my parents that my eyes are like Lapis Lazuli. 

That I was a unique and very beautiful child. 

The man that took me into the facility where my education began was of course the person who created the White Room himself. 

Ayanokouji Atsuomi. 

It was because of him that I was given education for free and even planned since birth. 

I was given rigorous training since I was 3 years old. 

In fact, I started out in the 5th generation like the rest of the now 6th generation students. 

I was considered a cut above the rest like those of Amasawa and Yagami. 

Not only that, even the instructors thought I was the most beautiful among them since my long brown hair and blue eyes have caught the attention of some of the other children. 

I was both beautiful and talented. 

But for some reason.

I ended up losing to Amasawa during that one judo match. 

I was utterly frustrated. 

I thought I was stronger but at the time. 

I wasn't. 

I was in the top 8 in the 5th generation.

And out of 8.

I was the first to be eliminated among them.

I was angry. 


I couldn't take such a loss. 

I thought like the rest of these pathetic children. 

I would be kicked out but by some miracle. 

Ayanokouji-sensei kept me around.

Of course, followed by the other 5 that I worked with. 

I didn't know why at first but when we were told to be subjected to the 6th generation program. 

It was like I was given another chance.

Ayanokouji-sensei himself told me that I have too much potential to be thrown away this soon. 

That even he thinks that I could be on the same level as his son.

In which I secretly ended up admiring from afar. 

At the time, I didn't even know he had a son.

But when he showed us his picture. 

I was in awe. 

This was the person who became the only survivor from the 4th generation at least to our knowledge before he told us about Daigo-senpai himself who despite being declared dead before. 

Somehow was alive after his brutal bout with the Masterpiece. 

Ayanokouji-sensei never really told us the full story, but I don't care about that. 

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is the one I'm after. 

The Masterpiece. 

Though most of us from the 6th generation have the same goal. 

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