Chapter 245: The Plot thickens

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3rd person POV

Ayanokouji is currently with Kurumi and Hayasaka in his dorm. 

As Ayanokouji was sitting in his bed while Kurumi was holding his arm. 

Hayasaka suddenly spoke.

Hayasaka: So, I never really asked. But when is the meeting?

Ayanokouji: December 23, two days before Christmas. 

Kurumi: Woah! didn't think time would go that fast. 

Hayasaka: Ohh yeah, what are you guys planning for Christmas?

Kurumi: Isn't it obvious Ai-san? Kiyotaka-kun and I are going on a Christmas date. Assuming if the 6th generation doesn't suddenly ambush us during that time. 

Hayasaka: That would be a bummer. 

Kurumi: What about you Ai-san? Are you planning to hang out with the other girls? 

Hayasaka: I...I guess so.

Kurumi noticed her slight sadness.

Kurumi: (Odd, but I think I already know what's going on with her.)

She then gave a playful smirk.

Kurumi: You know. I wouldn't mind sharing Kiyotaka-kun with you. 

Hayasaka suddenly turned around to face her best friend. 

Ayanokouji: What are you on about Kurumi?

Kurumi: I mean wouldn't you want to give him a taste like I have?

She suddenly licks her lips as Hayasaka immediately understands what she meant.

Hayasaka was heavily blushing. 

Hayasaka: Wait what!? That's not what I-

Kurumi: Ara ara, you get flustered over such a thing. How cute. 

Hayasaka: Listen it's not like I want to. 

Kurumi: You know Kiyotaka-kun and I do it almost every day when the opportunity presents itself. 

Hayasaka was now beyond shocked at what she heard.

Hayasaka: Don't tell me.

Kurumi: Don't worry about me. It does hurt as heck but if it's Kiyotaka-kun. I'll savor that pain as much as I want. 

Ayanokouji: Now I'm convinced that you're probably a masochist. 

Kurumi: Am I?

Ayanokouji/Hayasaka: Yes!

Ayanokouji: Also, don't lie to her. We only do it at least once in two weeks for obvious reasons.

Hayasaka: Okay, that's too much information Kiyotaka-kun.

Kurumi: Now you totally sound jealous. 

Hayasaka: I'm not!!

Kurumi giggles as bit while still clinging on to her boyfriend. 

Kurumi: But seriously if you want to join us. That's fine. I mean how often do you see a guy date two beautiful smart girls at the same time? 

Hayasaka: That shouldn't be possible. Then again, we are both a unique case. 

Ayanokouji: (Oh great. As if one girl is already tough to handle. I don't know exactly how it would go if I dated both of them. Either it's heaven or hell on earth to have both of them in my vicinity. But it would be an interesting experiment. I never really dated two girls at the same time. I don't understand why I'm so curious about it but let's see how this goes.) 

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