Chapter 248: The Price of two

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Student Council's office

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji: Consider your options now. Either we all make an alliance, or you can all do things your own way. 

Ryuen: Listen monster, I would actually be interested in working with you if you're willing to pay me a good amount. Say, 100 million points?

Kazami: What an absurd amount. You expect them to pay this much? 

Ryuen: They probably have more points than all of us combined based on how much they won in the past 2 years not to mention the monthly number of points they gained thanks to their extremely high number of class points. 

Sora: Negotiating with points? Such a Ryuen tactic. Why bother with points if anyone can be expelled in the blink of an eye? You won't be able to save everyone including yourself even if you have this many points. 20 mil to prevent expulsion, right? Similar to how much you can transfer to another class. Points will only help you temporarily. 

Horikita: I hate to say this but he's correct. So, what if we have enough private points to prevent expulsion due to these kouhais? They can just keep coming after us until we have no resources left. 

Tsubaki: They'll just play out a war of attrition against us. Knowing what they're capable of, they can probably do that in a month or two. 

Nanase: Or worse they can just go all out and take out the most prominent figures of your classes and we don't want a scenario like that. 

Hachiman: Then what the heck? Are we really going to work with you bastards?! 

Ayanokouji: Like I said, it's your choice. I won't force you. Though even I can't predict how many of you will be expelled before graduation. 

Just then Yukino suddenly steps forward. 

Yukino: I understand what's going on, but what's in it for everyone here? 

Ayanokouji stares at everyone in this entire room before replying: 

Ayanokouji: Nothing. 

Horikita: Huh?!

Ryuen: What do you mean nothing!? 

Asano: Tch! what a waste of time.

Ayanokouji: There's nothing I can give because we're the only ones capable of beating them. I think that you need us more than we need you. 

Yukino: You're kidding me, right? 

Ayanokouji: Think about it, what would be the point of providing this many points this late into the game? You think you can simply find yourselves in Class A by the end of the year with the number of points we can provide? No, at best we can only transfer I'd say up to two or three and all of you are aiming to make it to Class A. Even our resources are limited for such a task. So, how about this. I spoke to the chairman personally along with the student council that in the final special exam. Instead of a single class battling another single class. I suggested the chairman to have a special exam that will give every class a chance to battle Class S. 

Almost everyone: What!!???

Hirata: What do you mean Ayanokouji-kun? 

Ayanokouji: Here's my deal. If you help us defeat and expel the six kouhais. The chairman will establish a new special exam exclusively to us 3rd years. It will be Class S vs every class in the final special exam. 

Sakayanagi: Really now? I'm intrigued.

Ayanokouji: And also, the one class that manages to defeat Class S will instantly become Class A right before graduation.

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