Chapter 215: An Unexpected Relationship/The Counterattack

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Hayasaka POV

My head hurts. 

What just happened? 

I started slowly waking up. 

Was I asleep? 

Also, why do I feel like I can't move my arms?

I tried moving a bit, but I couldn't at all. 

I looked around my surroundings and I'm currently surrounded by boxes in a single area. 

Hold on! 

Am I in the school's storehouse? 

How did I even get here?

I tried to stand but noticed that even my legs can't move as well. 

It's then that I noticed that I'm tied up somehow. 

I looked behind my a back as I could see my hands are tied behind my back.

Then I looked at my legs and noticed that I was also tied up there too. 

What the hell!? 

What's going on?!

Why am I tied up like this!? 

3rd person POV

Hayasaka begins to struggle trying to get the zip ties off her, but it was futile. 

???: Ohhh you're awake? Finally. I thought that attack would've knocked you out longer than usual. 

Hayasaka: Huh?!

She then looked ahead and saw the familiar boy with the black cap.

Hayasaka: I-Ito-kun!?

Shinryuu: So, you are awake! thank goodness. To be honest, I should've held back my punch a bit. Maybe that was a little too strong. Didn't mean to hurt you that much Ai-chan. 

Hayasaka: What do you want!? Let go of me!!

Shinryuu: Let go? After working hard to get rid of Tatsuya-senpai? Nahhh we've already progressed this much. Why stop now? 

He then grabs a foldable chair that was set up nearby.

Shinryuu carried it and sat in front of Hayasaka who was laying down on the ground while tied up. 

Shinryuu: You guys are so fascinating. Especially you. Though not as special as Ayanokouji-senpai but you're special in a different way. 

Hayasaka: Why...just let me go already. Your target is Kiyotaka-kun right? 

Shinryuu: Exactly, but as we all know. He can be a bit of a stubborn bastard. Heck Tsukishiro-sensei couldn't even make him budge. Maybe that's because he doesn't have someone important to use as a hostage. 

Hayasaka: Hostage?!

Shinryuu: That's right, but don't worry Ai-chan. I won't hurt you any further as long as you cooperate with what I have to say. 

Hayasaka: I won't go along with your plans!

Shinryuu: Heh! I knew you would say that. *Sigh*

The cap wearing boy leaned back as he looked up the ceiling. 

Shinryuu: Ai-chan, do you know why I admire people like Ayanokouji-senpai? It's not just because he's strong. It's the fact that when I heard that he's from a powerful family well mostly just his father given the influence he has and stuff. I worshipped him like a god. You know, the money, the influence, the power. Why is it that when you have those things, it makes you feel like you can do whatever you want? 

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